Chesapeake Conference

Joshua Roberts/AP Images photographed Lois and Leroy Peters, and their son, Leroy.

Story by Liz Anderson / Images by Ty Wright and Joshua Roberts/AP Images

"We Can't Live Like This"

Leroy and Lois Peters’ roller coaster experience with mental illness started when their son, Leroy, “snapped” following a humiliating incident while stationed at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Lois remembers the moment she and her husband learned that something was terribly wrong.

Looking for an event to celebrate Easter this weekend? Here are several special programs across the Columbia Union Conference you (and a friend!) can attend:

Friday, March 30

  • 7 p.m.: Experiencing the Sacrifice at the Williamsport church, 16421 Lappans Road, Williamsport, MD 21795
  • 7:30 p.m.: Good Friday Communion at the Hamilton church, 3570 Hamilton Middletown Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011
  • 7:30 p.m.: (Doors open at 7 p.m.): Easter: a Story of HOPE at New Hope church, 12350 Hall Shop Road, Fulton, MD 20759

Sabbath, March 31

Members of the Fredericksburg Pathfinder Club participate in the Columbia Union Pathfinder Bible Experience

On Sabbath, 54 teams, comprised of at least 320 Pathfinders, gathered in Blue Mountain Academy’s gymnasium in Hamburg, Pa., to test their knowledge of the Bible during the Columbia Union Conference’s sixth Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE), a competition that tests participants Bible knowledge. So far it is the largest Columbia Union PBE event in the union.

Photo by Erfan A. Setiawan from Flickr

Editorial by Janesta Walker

I love people! I am fascinated by the uniqueness of each person I meet: their talents, personalities, cultures, quirks and mannerisms make each one special. From strangers in the mall or interesting characters at Walmart to family members, students, colleagues and friends—no two are alike. There are quiet ones whose depth of wisdom astounds me and bold ones whose courage challenges me. There are creative ones whose artistic expressions mesmerize me. Then there are the intellectuals whose knowledge boggles my mind and entertainers whose humor lightens my heart.