Chesapeake Conference

The second-grade class at Chesapeake Conference’s Spencerville Adventist Academy visits the White Estate.

Story by Rachel Fuentes/Heidi Wetmore

The second-grade class at Chesapeake Conference’s Spencerville Adventist Academy (Md.), taught by Rachel Fuentes, recently completed a Bible Encounters curriculum unit on the life of Ellen G. White. Instead of the typical unit assessment in a classroom setting, she took her students on a field trip to the White Estate, located at the General Conference in Silver Spring, Md.

The Aerials team participates at the “Live for Him” Acrofest 2019.

Story by Andrew S. Lay

In fall 2019, more than 20 members from the Highland View Academy (HVA) Aerials gymnastics team performed at the “Live for Him” Acrofest, hosted by Southern Adventist University (SAU) in Tennessee.

Sponsored by the SAU’s Gym-Masters, this annual gymnastics clinic encourages student-athletes to increase excellence in acrobatics/gymnastics and their walk with God.

Editorial by Rick Remmers

Chesapeake Conference’s new initiative, “35 by 25,” is to plant 35 churches by the year 2025. Currently we have 50 areas in our region without a Seventh-day Adventist presence. These areas are comprised of population clusters of about 50,000 people, as well as specific counties with no Adventist church.

So why plant new churches when some of our existing churches are not yet full? The answer is simple: There are unreached people who need salvation in Jesus Christ, and church planting is one of the most effective ways to impact more people with the gospel.