Allegheny West Conference

In her book, Walking the Pathway of Prayer, Violet Cox, Prayer Ministries director for the Allegheny West Conference, invites readers to journey with her and discover a more meaningful prayer life.

Cox writes about how she grew in her understanding of what prayer is (and isn't) and shares a story about the first time she prayed her own prayer as child. After seeing a pair of pretty green shoes, and praying that 'If God really heard her, He'd let her have the shoes.' A day or so later, her mother came home with the exact shoes she had prayed about.

Story by Ricardo Bacchus

Members from the Allegheny West Conference (AWC) Executive Committee recently elected Jermaine Jackson as the new chief financial officer (CFO), effective June 1. Prior to joining AWC, Jackson worked for Adventist Risk Management, Inc. (ARM), starting in 2009 as senior accountant and promoted to controller shortly thereafter. In 2014 he was elected vice president of CFO for ARM and the Gencon Insurance Company of Vermont (GIVC). In that role, Jackson oversaw the financial operations of ARM and GICV and its subsidiaries in Brazil and Gibraltar.

Violet Cox, AWC’s prayer coordinator, participates in the conference’s 18-hour Prayer-A-Thon.

Story by Bryant Smith

The Allegheny West Conference (AWC) president, administrative officials, pastors and laity recently created havoc in Satan’s camp as 450 individuals of all ages participated in a nonstop Prayer-A-Thon. Ellen White, cofounder of the Adventist church, writes, “Satan trembles and flees before the weakest soul who finds refuge in that mighty name” (The Desire of Ages, p. 130).