
Photo by Jens Lelie via Unsplash

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take” (Prov. 3:5–6, NLT).

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart...”
Do I know how to trust? I’ve asked myself this question more times in the last several years than ever before. Having gone through a devastating divorce and slowly seeing how God has picked up the pieces of my heart, for the first time in my life I am learning the true meaning of trust.

Dave Weigley receives his award via Zoom.

Story by Associationa of Adventist Women Staff

The Association of Adventist Women awarded Columbia Union Conference President Dave Weigley a Champion of Justice award at its annual Woman of the Year Banquet last fall. The festive live zoom celebration was attended virtually by more than 100 people from four continents.

Los retrasos nacionales en la entrega del correo resultaron en una entrega tardía de muchos de los Calendarios de la Unión de Columbia 2021 y de los libros devocionales del Año de la Biblia Palabras de vida. Aún se encuentran disponibles copias adicionales de ambos. Llame a Pacific Press al (800) 447-7377. El libro devocional cuesta $5, más el envío. El calendario es gratuito, pero los miembros deben pagar los gastos de envío.

También estamos facilitando la participación digital en el énfasis del Año de la Biblia de la unión. Descargue la aplicación Columbia Union Conference para seguir el plan de lectura de la Biblia, leer devocionales diarios, ver devocionales inspiradores en video y leer las últimas noticias de la unión.

La Unión de Columbia envió recientemente cheques de ayuda por el COVID-19 a cada una de sus ocho conferencias, así como a la Universidad Adventista de Washington, dando un total de $360,000.

La unión recibió los fondos de la División Norteamericana y, en una reunión reciente el Consejo del Presidente, decidió asignar los fondos a las enti- dades. Esta fue la segunda distribución de fondos de ayuda desde que comenzó la pandemia.

Story by Kasper Haughton, Jr.

Constituents of the Allegheny West and Ohio conferences joined hands in January as they accepted the challenge to read their entire Bibles in just 31 days!

This collaborative project began months earlier when Ohio Conference President Bob Cundiff (pictured, right) and Allegheny West Conference President Marvin Brown (left) began to dream of ways to strengthen the ties between the two conferences.

Bob Cundiff comments, “Marvin and I get along really well, and we know that our constituents can too.

Morning show host Jerry Woods holds up a purse given to him by his sponsored child’s mom.

Story by Jerry Woods

More than 620 children around the world now have sponsors, thanks to WGTS 91.9 listeners. The station just wrapped up its annual “Days of Compassion” event. Every year WGTS teams up with Compassion International to give listeners the opportunity to provide educational support, medical care, food and the gospel message to kids in 25 different countries.

This year’s focus was on children in Kenya. While developing countries around the world have been dealing with COVID-19, Kenya is also dealing with a famine on top of the pandemic.

Hartle Hall residents Kevin Oliveira and Gabriel Moraes hang out together in the dorm.

Story by Andrew S. Lay

Students who don’t live within driving distance of a nearby Seventh-day Adventist academy can still obtain a great Adventist education by living in a dormitory, such as Chesapeake Conference's Highland View Academy in Hagerstown, Md. This arrangement not only offers families more convenience, but it gives students the opportunity to enjoy the entire academy experience—from breakfast in the morning through recreational time or sports practice in the evening.

Volunteer Lay Pastor Lance Moncrieffe baptizes Matthew Pondexter and Emilee Pearsal

Story by Tamyra Horst

A year ago, 12-year-old Emilee Pearsal and her friend, Khaleisha, along with their mothers, participated in Pennsylvania Conference's Faith for Family evangelism outreach program with their Chestnut Hill church family in Philadelphia. Knocking on doors and distributing flyers, they invited people to an upcoming Revelation seminar at the church.

Photo by Zac Durant

Editorial de Jorge Agüero

El título de este editorial—una combinación del llamado de Dios al profeta Isaías y la Gran Comisión—implica obediencia, consagración, dedicación, entrega, perseverancia e intencionalidad.

Isaías 6:8 dice: “Después oí la voz del Señor, que decía: ¿A quién enviaré, y quién irá por nosotros? Entonces respondí yo: ‘Heme aquí, envíame a mí.’” (RV 1960). Sabiendo que “la mies a la verdad es mucha, más los obreros pocos” (Lucas 10:2, RV 1960), el Señor hace la misma pregunta en medio de esta pandemia: “¿Quién irá?”

El pronto regreso del Señor se evidencia en desastres naturales sin precedentes; caos social, miedo y angustia. Jesús dice: “Cuando estas cosas comiencen a suceder, erguíos y levantad vuestra cabeza, porque vuestra redención está cerca.” (Lucas 21:28, RV 1960). Pero para que el Señor venga, la predicación del evangelio se debe cumplir a cada nación, tribu y lengua (Mateo 24:14; Apocalipsis 14:6).

Jesús nos ha dado un mandato “id, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones” (Mateo 28:19, RV 1960), y Aquel que posee toda la autoridad y el poder nos capacitará para cumplir esta misión.