
Image by SeppH on Pixabay

Story by Ron Milles

Ken Wilson, former Biology teacher at Takoma Academy (TA), probably had no idea that his classes would help inspire Launice Melbourne, M.D.—then a student in one of his classes—to become a doctor. Melbourne (’99) credits her love for science to having outstanding teachers such as “Mr. Wilson.”

BACC partnered with the Daniel Migael Foundation to provide free high exams and prescription lens for students in surrounding schools. Photos by Renea Smallwood

Story by Ann Laurence

More than 100 students in Beltsville-area schools in Maryland can now clearly see what’s written on chalkboards, in PowerPoint presentations and books, thanks to a joint project between Beltsville Adventist Community Center (BACC), area school principals and the Daniel Migael Foundation, Inc.—a group of volunteers dedicated to making vision care accessible to those who may not have readily available resources.

Photo by VAM2008 from Flickr

Editorial por Jorge Aguero

En la Biblia, el Antiguo Testamento habla acerca del pueblo de Israel. Allí encontramos las experiencias de una nación insignificante (Deut. 7:7), pero escogida por Dios para ser un pueblo especial (Deut. 7:6).

Dios ordenó encuentros especiales para su pueblo; por esto los israelitas se reunían por lo menos tres veces al año para adorar y compartir las bendiciones de Dios. Estas eran fiestas solemnes y santas convocaciones (Ver Levíticos 23).

Photo by airpix from Flickr

Editorial by Jorge Aguero

In the Bible, the Old Testament speaks about the people of Israel. In it we find the experiences of an insignificant nation (Deut. 7:7), but chosen by God to be a special people (Deut. 7:6).

God prescribed special encounters for His people; this is why the Israelites gathered at least three times a year to worship and share God’s blessings. There were solemn feasts or holy convocations (see Leviticus 23).

Today, the New Jersey Conference also has a special time of year when brothers, sisters and friends come to worship together as one big family. It is a time when the conference’s more than 120 Adventist congregations gather to share their faith and blessings God has poured out on them.

Story by Ricardo Bacchus

Members from the Allegheny West Conference (AWC) Executive Committee recently elected Jermaine Jackson as the new chief financial officer (CFO), effective June 1. Prior to joining AWC, Jackson worked for Adventist Risk Management, Inc. (ARM), starting in 2009 as senior accountant and promoted to controller shortly thereafter. In 2014 he was elected vice president of CFO for ARM and the Gencon Insurance Company of Vermont (GIVC). In that role, Jackson oversaw the financial operations of ARM and GICV and its subsidiaries in Brazil and Gibraltar.

Graduates from Kettering College’s Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program, many of whom are from the community, celebrate their accomplishment.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Kettering College (Ohio) recently celebrated its 50th commencement and conferred degrees and certificates to 227 students. Twenty of the graduates (pictured) were from the school’s first graduating Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program, which began in the fall of 2015 and is the school’s first doctoral program.

The Potomac Conference will hold two “Impact: Camp Meeting Re-imagined” events next month. This new camp meeting format, where regional meetings are held each year and a conference-wide meeting is held once every five years, kicked off in 2017. The Virginia Valley Region event will be held at the Shenandoah Valley Academy Campus in New Market, Va., June 8-9, and the Hispanic event will be in Washington, D.C., June 15-16.

Nicholas Miller, professor of church history and director of the International Religious Liberty Institute at Andrews University (Mich.), and Lincoln Steed, editor for Liberty magazine, will be the main speakers for the Virginia Valley Region.