
Josh Appel/Unsplash

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

La Unión de Columbia continúa gozando de una sólida posición financiera, informa Emmanuel Asiedu, tesorero de la Unión. Durante la reciente reunión del Comité Ejecutivo, compartió que, a diciembre del 2021, la Unión tuvo un aumento del 10.54 por ciento en el diezmo y mantiene un capital activo del 163 por ciento.

Pastor Andre Ascalon baptizes Mason and Matthew George.

Editorial by Jorge Aguero

When the disciples asked Jesus, “What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matt. 24:3, NKJV), Jesus answered them by listing several signs that would occur before his second coming—including pestilence, such as COVID-19, and wars similar to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Jesus specifically mentions one sign that will mark the end of time: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matt. 24:14, NKJV).

Meade C. Van Putten, Allegheny East Conference

Story by LaTasha Hewitt 

At the age of 95, Meade C. Van Putten, former president of Allegheny East Conference (AEC), passed away February 27, 2022. Van Putten was a pastor in the Lake Region Conference from 1951–1962 and was ordained in 1956. He served as the secretary/treasurer of the Lake Region Conference from 1962–1971.

Image by kreatikar on pixabay

Looking for ways to spruce up your church or school communication plan?

Watch a replay of Pennsylvania Conference's Digital Discipleship & Evangelism training
and Allegheny East Conference’s Connection and Ministry Communication Conference for expert advice and seminars— including best practices for carrying out effective hybrid, online and in-person communication ministry.

Allegheny East Conference Resources

Alberto Ramírez creció en contacto con adventistas del séptimo día, pero se sentía lejos de Dios. Gracias a un compañero de trabajo y amigo, recientemente volvió la Iglesia y se siente en casa.

Young adults from the Columbus Ghanaian Adventist church worship AND spend time together. Photo courtesy of the church.

During the recent Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee meeting, Rubén A. Ramos reported that second-and-third generations of immigrant families are seeking more services in English so they can worship in English rather than their parents’ native languages.

Ohio Conference’s Columbus Ghanaian church recognized this need and recently created a service in English.

Image by PhotoMIX-Company on pixabay

Students from Chesapeake Conference’s Rocky Knoll Adventist School in Martinsburg, W.Va., recently produced and wrote the first episode of Chanel 52 RKS News—a video broadcast. Way to go, students!


Teachers are responsible to make meaningful connections with every one of their students, not just the ones that they automatically connect with. A positive and healthy teacher-student relationship is key for optimum student outcomes,” says Alison Jobson, associate director of early childhood education for the Columbia Union Conference.

Learn more about the importance of cultural competence in the classroom from Jobson’s presentations below.