
Story by Amanda Blake

More than 200 Seventh-day Adventist churches across North America, including 34 in the Columbia Union Conference, hosted the short mental health series MindFit this past spring.

The Voice of Prophecy (VOP) produced the event to empower churches as practical and spiritual resources for their communities in battling a continent-wide mental health crisis.

“On a global scale, one in eight people struggle daily with mental illness—one in five
in North America. The implication is clear: It is nearly impossible to live on this Earth and not be affected by mental illness,” says Alex Rodriguez, associate speaker for VOP and host of the series.

Camp Meeting attendees “prayer walk” in the early hours.

Story by Stephen Lee

The New Jersey Conference 2024 Camp Meeting was a remarkable event, held over two weekends: June 13–15 for English speakers and June 20–22 for Spanish speakers. This year marked the first time the camp meetings were conducted over three days, allowing for an enriching and immersive experience.

The camp meetings were packed with a variety of spiritual activities and seminars focused on fulfilling God’s mission. Each morning began with prayer walks led by dedicated prayer coordinators, providing attendees with a time for commitment and dedication.

Foto de Kelly Coe

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard / Traducción de Domitilla Rosette

Este verano, 6,689 conquistadores de Columbia Union asistieron al Camporee Internacional “Cree en la Promesa”, que se llevó a cabo por primera vez en Gillette, Wyoming. En la foto, el Pastor Esteban Paredes bautizó a Karla Lemus, miembro del club de la iglesia Adventista Hispana de Baltimore de la Chesapeake Conference.

Nicole Nase es la directora docente de Reading Junior Academy de Pennsylvania Conference.

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard / Traducción de Domitilla Rosette

Antes del inicio del año escolar 2024-25, unos 75 educadores de toda la Columbia Union se reunieron para el campamento de entrenamiento de directores.

“Nuestro objetivo del campamento de entrenamiento es preparar mejor a nuestros líderes para dirigir”, dice la organizadora del evento Jacqueline Messenger, directora asociada de educación secundaria en la Columbia Union. “Sabemos que ser director es uno de los trabajos más difíciles en nuestro sistema, y queremos apoyar y hacer crecer a nuestros directores”.

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard / Traducción de Domitilla Rosette

Adventist HealthCare ha nombrado a John Sackett como su nuevo presidente y director ejecutivo, a partir del 4 de agosto.

Sackett se ha desempeñado como director de operaciones de Adventist HealthCare desde el 2014 y se desempeñó como presidente del Centro Médico Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove del 2013 al 2019.

Sackett reemplazará a Terry Forde, expresidente y director ejecutivo de Adventist HealthCare, quien se incorporó a Health First, un sistema de salud con sede en el condado de Brevard, Florida.

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard / Traducción por Domitilla Rosette

El Comité Ejecutivo de Allegheny East Conference (AEC) eligió recientemente a Trevor Kinlock para que se desempeñe como nuevo presidente de AEC.

La votación fue para ocupar el puesto que anteriormente ocupaba Marcellus T. Robinson, quien ahora es el presidente de Columbia Union Conference.

Antes de este puesto, Kinlock se desempeñó como pastor principal de la iglesia Metropolitan en Hyattsville, Maryland, desde marzo del 2016. Anteriormente se desempeñó como líder del área de Virginia de AEC desde noviembre del 2008 hasta enero del 2016. Y continúa desempeñándose como profesor adjunto en Howard University, cargo que ocupa desde agosto del 2021.

Naassom Azevedo/Unsplash

Editorial by Marcellus T. Robinson

“What do you think about women in ministry?” is a question I am frequently asked. I believe the better question is, “What does Jesus think about women in ministry?” My personal study of the Bible reveals that women were always intimately involved in the life and ministry of Christ. Let’s think about it:

Tim Mossholder/Unsplash

Story by Tracey Jackson

During a school assembly that fell days after his April birthday, the Pine Forge Academy (PFA) student body honored Principal H. Clifford Reynolds, III, who has moved on to pursue other ventures. Students sang “Happy Birthday” and shared personal testimonies of the love and appreciation they had for their principal, affectionately known as “PR.”

Story by Debra Anderson

In a significant development, the Potomac Conference has made a groundbreaking decision to transition the role of director of Hispanic Ministries to the position of vice president for Hispanic Ministries. This new designation reflects the growing importance of the Hispanic community within the conference, which now constitutes an impressive 38 percent of its membership, spanning 57 churches, 12 companies and nine mission groups.

Adventist HealthCare and Howard University have announced that Roger A. Mitchell, Jr., MD, will serve as the next President of Howard University Hospital, as part of the Management Service Agreement between the two organizations as they continue discussions for long-term partnership. Dr. Mitchell will begin his leadership of the hospital after Howard University Hospital President Anita Jenkins steps away from that position on Sept. 13.