Editorial by Marvin C. Brown, III
Are you ready to experience a powerful, life-changing spiritual awakening? Join us June 12–15 at the Allegheny West Conference Camp Meeting as we delve into our theme, “The Time Is Now,” focusing on the long-awaited, much-anticipated second coming of Christ. This extraordinary event will feature the dynamic preaching of Emil Peeler, Ricardo Graham, Vivian Martin and Furman “Pace” Fordham. Prepare to be inspired, challenged and transformed as the power of God’s Spirit will be unleashed upon His people.
We are no longer in the time of the end; we have arrived at the end of time. A time when men call “good evil and evil good” is not the time for us to get ready—we must be ready.
Evangelism experts from around the Columbia Union (and beyond) shared Keynote Speeches and workshops during the 2024 Columbia Union Conference Evangelism Workshop. Watch those sessions here.
Story by Shaun Robinson
Potomac Conference's Takoma Academy (TA) is proud of its many successful graduates who have gone on to pursue careers in myriad industries and disciplines. Zelick Stewartson (’14) is one graduate who embodies the spirit of the TA Tiger. Stewartson—a four-year alumnus—enrolled at the University of Maryland in pursuit of a degree in Engineering. Although he did very well academically in high school, he admits that college challenged him on a much higher level; unpacking the expository readings and problem-solving assessments required an abundance of commitment from an undergraduate.
Story by Rob Gettys
Thirteen upperclassmen sat on Highland View Academy’s (HVA) chapel stage late last year and faced their principal, Rob Gettys, who asked them to remind the audience of the four characteristics they were being recognized for that day. With the National Honor Society (NHS) crest highlighted over their heads, they collectively responded with, “service, leadership, and character,” before stalling on the last essential characteristic of an NHS member. The new inductees nervously glanced at each other before senior Desmond Nana remembered the very first standard that made them eligible to apply, and laughingly responded, “academics!”
Story by Debra Anderson
In pursuit of promoting mental health awareness within Potomac Conference’s 16 schools, the Office of Education has made it a priority to address subject matters not often publicly addressed. As part of this mental health initiative, guest lecturer Bryn Elliott recently shared her compelling testimony at each of the conference’s three senior academies: Richmond, Shenandoah Valley, and Takoma.
Story by Tamyra Horst
Three Harrisburg Adventist School (HAS) students were recently baptized at the Harrisburg First church, thanks to the commitment of parents, staff and pastors.
Esther Zou and Talanoa Taufa’ao made the commitment to be baptized after a school Week of Prayer last year. They also attended a weekly follow-up Bible study with Pastor Ray Christman, then administrator of the school.