
Story by Andre Hastick

Over the last year, Chesapeake Conference administrators have been on a journey, paved with an abundance of prayer and discussion. Members, pastors, educators, executive committee members, department directors and others engaged in a conversation about the mission of the conference. This prayerful dialogue refreshed the strategic ministry plan, officially voted in May 2018 by the conference executive committee.

“We are thankful for the input from throughout the conference and the careful  consideration by the executive committee in developing the strategic plan. It will help to provide priority and guidance of the ministries during this quinquennium,” says Rick Remmers, president.

Story by LaTasha Hewitt

Allegheny East Conference's Delaware Korean church plant in Newark recently hosted a Happy House Program, a house repair service provided to Korean residents in the Wilmington, Del., area. To assist with the project, 26 students and two professors came from Sahmyook University in Seoul, Korea, as well as five volunteers from the Andrews Korean church in Berrien Springs, Mich.

After advertising the program to 850 Korean households in the Wilmington area, Seungho Park, pastor of Delaware Korean, visited each of the 16 applicants. After a careful review of their financial status and the level of family support, he selected eight families.

CUASI (Columbia Union Adventist-Laymen’s Services & Industries) members will gather November 1–3 for “Not Mine, But Yours,” a conference organized to help attendees grow in their businesses, connect with other business owners and worship together.

“Our goal is to encourage attendees to recognize that their business, ministry, profession was given to them by God to further His kingdom, and that they should use their sphere of influence to share the gospel,” shares Mark Brown, president. “We want attendees to leave with a recognition that they have been strategically placed by God for His purposes.”

Alexandre Inamasu and David Nazaire recently launched Pathfinder Mall

Story by Visitor Staff

David Nazaire and Alexandre Inamasu, longtime members of New Jersey Conference’s Hackettstown Pathfinder Club, know how hard it is to fundraise for events such as the upcoming Chosen 2019 International Pathfinder Camporee in OskKosh, Wisc. To help their club and others like them, they recently launched, a site that sells Christian and Seventh-day Adventist-themed merchandise, including camporee gear.

Official Statement

October 2, 2018

An Appeal from the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee

The General Conference Administrative Committee’s proposed new system of committees to assure compliance and uniformity within the global church will not result in the unity it seeks. We find this approach to be deeply troubling for it will bypass established policies, protocols and processes and reach beyond longstanding governance practices that have contributed to the amazing growth of our diverse, yet united world church family. The global implications of this process are truly a matter of grave concern. In its present form, it appears to centralize even more authority and control in the hands of a relatively small group. 

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

La mayor necesidad después del huracán Florence es ayudar a los 10,000 evacuados que aún viven en refugios, dice Bob Mitchell, Coordinador de Servicios Comunitarios Adventistas (ACS) y Socorro en Casos de Desastre (DR) para la Conferencia de Potomac.

Los líderes del ACSDR de la División Norteamericana (NAD) recomiendan encarecidamente que los artículos solicitados se ordenen online para ahorrar costos de envío. Visiter aqui para obtener una lista de los artículos necesarios y los lugares a dónde enviarlos.

At this year's Pennyslvania Camp Meeting, Mark Dekle, pastor of the Walnutport church, baptizes Doug Seipt.

Story by Tamyra Horst

Doug Seipt is a fifth-generation dairy farmer from Easton. His parents taught him to work hard and do good. For a long time, Seipt believed those two things would be enough for salvation. His wife Bonnie’s strong Adventist faith was a constant reminder to him of what God desired, and when Seipt learned that Doug Batchelor, Amazing Facts president and speaker, would be at the Pennsylvania Conference Camp Meeting, his goal was to get baptized during this event.

During opening night of SALT, students pray for each other’s fears during an icebreaker activity.

Story and photos by LaTasha Hewitt

This past weekend, the Columbia Union Conference’s annual Spiritual Academy Leadership Training (SALT) welcomed more than 220 student leaders and sponsors from 12 of the union's academies, one of SALT's largest groups in its 20-plus year history. Students in grades 9–12 gathered on the campgrounds of Allegheny East Conference in Boyertown, Pa., for a weekend of training and inspiration.

Photo by summitcheese from flickr

Editorial by Jim Greene

According to Webster’s Dictionary, “hope” has several connotations based on the way you approach the usage of the word. We can “hope” that something will happen—“I hope I can win a new car in the drawing.” Or, we can state with assurance that our “hope” is based on trust and reliance that something will happen—“Jesus is coming again!” The hymn, “We Have This Hope,” is a strong affirmation of our faith and hope in the coming of the Lord, based on the promises found in God’s Word. Every time I sing this song, my spirits are lifted, and I am inspired to share the good news that Jesus is coming again!