
Photo by Sebastien Wierts on Flickr

Blog by Rob Vandeman

The psalmist’s appeal to God for forgiveness of his sins is one of the most memorable in the entire Psalter, due in part, to the historical title that situates its composition by David after Nathan the prophet confronted him about his sin with Bathsheba (2 Sam. 12). While the words of this prayer fit the occasion well, we should note that nowhere is this particular historical event mentioned specifically, indicating that the poem was not written to memorialize that moment, but to serve as a model prayer for others coming later who find themselves in similar, though not identical, circumstances.

Photo by derrickcollins on Flickr

Special Commentary by James Standish

I sat down in the barber chair in a shop off New Hampshire Avenue in Silver Spring, Md. The woman cutting my hair introduced herself as “June,” and started in on the usual barbershop patter about length and style. In short order, we discovered a strange coincidence. June and I had been at exactly the same place, at the same time, at the same age. But at that time, our lives couldn’t have been more different.

Photo by Angela on Flickr

Story by Kettering Adventist HealthCare Staff

We're surrounded by hearts in February. Along with the paper and chocolate versions, there are the human ones: the beating hearts of more than 300 million Americans.

Unfortunately, we're also surrounded by heart disease. In the U.S., it's the leading cause of death for both men and women. “Heart disease can be prevented and controlled,” says Harvey Hahn, MD, a Kettering Physician Network cardiologist. “February is Heart Month, and it serves as a reminder that we need to give our hearts some TLC.”

Even in a short month's time, you can do a lot to take better care of your heart.

Story by Heidi Shoemaker

In his book Mentoring by Design, Edward Marton, Ohio Conference Youth

Ministries director, poses
the question, “How could a congregation release and empower young people for ministry and disciples for service?” A young adult himself, Marton’s book looks at the model of mentoring from personal, biblical and Seventh-day Adventist histor- ical perspectives. His passion for mentoring is clear, and the

book explores the foundation of these models, adapted and applied within the Ohio Conference by Marton, both as a senior pastor and youth director.

Story by Donna Bigler

Choral performances by high school students  from high school schools will be featured at the 2017 Choral Festival that is being hosted by Washington Adventist University (WAU) from February 8-11. Students from seven academies in the Columbia Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church will participate in the festival.  They will stay on campus, take master classes, rehearse and offer three concerts that will be open to the public.

The concerts will be held:

Fashion students Leigh Nebblett (middle) and Xavier Burely (right) design artwork for a class project.

Story by Ron Mills

While most of their schools’ home economics programs include instruction in cooking, finances and sewing, very few, if any, teach true fashion (style, technique and usage of dress). Faced with the fashion challenges of today, our young people need a solution. For Takoma Academy, the solution would be spearheaded by one of their own—Toni Horne.

Story by Elizabeth Long

Six Kettering Adventist HealthCare Physician Network Primary Care practices have received the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Recognition for using evidence-based, patient-centered processes that focus on highly coordinated care and long‐term, participative relationships.

The following Kettering Physician Network Primary Care practices received PCMH Recognition:

·        CenterMed, Centerville
·        Congress Park, Centerville
·        Helena Duque Pages, MD, Xenia
·        Latha Venkatesh, MD, Xenia
·        Sycamore Family Medicine, Miamisburg
·        Sycamore Internal Medicine, Miamisburg

7800 Attended Caravan of Training Meetings Photo Credit Jorge Pillco

Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Photos by Jorge Pillco

More than 7,700 Columbia Union Conference members recently attended Caravan of Training meetings at 24 sites across the Columbia Union territories.