
Franklin David Receives the Notable Person of Honor Award from Dave Weigley

Story by Celeste Ryan Blyden

Pastor Franklin David was nominated by Bill Miller, president of the Potomac Conference, as a 2018 Notable Person of Honor, and was recognized during the fall Columbia Union Executive Committee meeting.

Karen Robinson accepts a Notable Person of Honor Award from Dave Weigley on behalf of her late husband, Dave

Story by Celeste Ryan Blyden

During the fifth Columbia Union Notable Persons of Honor Awards, union leaders recognized various individuals who have exemplified not only strong leadership, but service to God and their fellow men and women.

“We pay tribute to them today for their steadfast, unwavering commitment to furthering God’s kingdom through living a life that exemplifies Christ by caring for and putting the needs of others first,” said Rob Vandeman, Columbia Union Executive Secretary.

Franklin David, Dave Robinson (Karen Robinson accepted the award on his behalf) and Lillian Torres received Notable Persons of Honor Awards at the Columbia Union Conference Executive Commitee Meeting

Story by Celeste Ryan Blyden

During the fifth Columbia Union Notable Persons of Honor Awards, union leaders recognized various individuals who have exemplified not only strong leadership, but service to God and their fellow men and women.

Philip Baptise, Ranella Kaligithi   and Teddy Flo participate in a panel of young adult professionals.

Story by Columbia Union ASI Staff

The Columbia Union Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (CUASI) recently hosted their fall convention, themed “Launch 2018: Not Mine, But Yours,” at the Doubletree by Hilton in Columbia, Md.

“From the opening session, we cast an exciting vision forward to each session which spoke to God’s workings in the lives of His people. All in attendance were inspired and empowered to give God their best,” says Mark Brown, CUASI president. “We welcomed new members, engaged several young professionals and enjoyed a wonderful worship experience.”

 Will Peterson, executive secretary, and his wife, Darlene (left); Gary Gibbs, president, and his wife, Sherilyn (center); and Carlos Charnichart, treasurer, and his wife, Liz (right).

Story by Tamyra Horst

Delegates to the Pennsylvania Conference’s sixth Triennium Constituency Session recently re-elected conference officers and departmental directors. The leadership team will serve for five years, as, moving forward, delegates voted to move to a quinquennium.

Story by Deaf Ministries Staff

Deaf members from the Potomac Conference, New York, Arkansas, Missouri and Florida recently met at Camp Blue Ridge in Montebello, Va., for the annual Deaf Evangelistic Autumn Revival (DEAR). The DEAF company, that currently meets at the Burnt Mills church in Silver Spring, Md., sponsored the event.

Pebbles on Findhorn Beach photo Andrew Urquhart from Flickr

Editorial by Daniel Cabezas

Me gustan las reuniones, los entrenamientos y los seminarios, donde hermanos y hermanas se reúnen para entrenar y entrenarse en el nombre de Dios. Estas actividades sirven para recargar mis baterías espirituales, hacer nuevos amigos y, lo mejor de todo, ver viejos amigos que no había visto en años. En este tipo de eventos, nota la inmensa variedad de culturas y nacionalidades que conforman nuestra
Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día, la conferencia de Nueva Jersey es un bello ejemplo.

Editorial by Daniel Cabezas

I like meetings and seminars, where brothers and sisters gather to train and be trained in the name of God. These activities serve to recharge my spiritual batteries, make new friends and see old friends. It is at these types of events that I notice the immense variety of cultures and nationalities that comprise the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the New Jersey Conference being a beautiful example.

As I write, 1 Peter 1:1 comes to mind. In it, Peter refers to men and women who had to distance themselves from their homeland, very similar to some of us who moved to this country looking for a better place to live.

Class of 2019 seniors retreated to pitch camp in the beautiful Virginia wilderness for “Senior Survival” to spend time with God in nature, and to unite as a class as they lead the school this year and prepare for graduation.

Story by Principal Don Short

The school year at Potomac Conference's Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) has already provided many blessings! Seeing the smiles and experiencing the youthful energy of 202 students reverberating through SVA’s classrooms, ballfields, cafeteria and dorms is a great joy!

At the back-to-school revival, alumnus Garnett Adams (’10) speaks to PFA students about how God saved him during his incarceration.

Story by Jaymie Pottinger

At Allegheny East Conference's Pine Forge Academy (PFA), placing God at the
center of operations is the overall objective for the 2018–19 school year. It is for this reason the Religion Department, in collaboration with the Pine Forge church, intentionally planned a powerful and impactful back-to-school revival.