
Story by Samantha Young

Susan Newman, a member of the Living Word church in Glen Burnie, Md., sought a new way for her congregation to help the homeless population in the community, and, as a result, founded EMBRACE Street Smart Ministry. She spent a year volunteering with a group that takes hot soup to homeless populated areas in Washington, D.C., and Baltimore. Then, during the summer of 2016, she took her newfound knowledge and experience and applied it in Brooklyn, an area south of Baltimore, and Glen Burnie.

Photo by Patrick Nouhailler on Flickr

Join Sligo by the Sea in Ocean City, Md., for a relaxed, inspiring Sabbath Service

July   1  Dave Weigley
8          Steve Chavez
15        Celeste Ryan Blyden
22        Nathan Krause
29        Kermit Netteburg

August   5  Don McFarlane
12        Morgan Kochenower
19        Larry Evans
26        Joseph Khabbaz

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard | Fotos por Joksan Cedillo y Brian Tagalog

Más allá de las diferencias de comunicación, diferentes generaciones operan de diversas maneras. “De una generación a otra, siempre ha sido difícil”, dice Armando Miranda, Jr. (foto de la derecha), director asociado de Jóvenes para la División Norteamericana de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día y presentador en el encuentro de jóvenes adultos “Rise Up” de la Unión de Columbia. “Debemos tener cuidado de no poner toda esa tradición, lenguaje y cultura delante del mensaje del Evangelio. Tenemos que presentar de una manera en que nuestros jóvenes puedan entender a Dios”, agregó.

Historia de Celeste Ryan Blyden

En su reunión de marzo, el Comité Ejecutivo de la Unión de Columbia votó mover la Escuela de Evangelismo de la Unión REACH-actualmente en Filadelfia- a la Universidad Adventista de Washington en Takoma Park, Md.

Los miembros del comité dijeron que creen que el traslado a un ambiente académico es un ajuste que proporcionará acceso a la infraestructura de la universidad y la hará más rentable.

“El programa REACH aborda todas nuestras prioridades, ya que involucra a jóvenes adultos en liderazgo, desarrollo espiritual, evangelismo y la misión de la iglesia”, dice Dave Weigley, presidente de la Unión de Columbia.—


Editorial by Timothy Ko

Being a father to two girls is rewarding and challenging. There have been many conversations with my five-year-old (pictured) in which she would answer my questions with quick, short replies versus engaging in conversation. I would ask how her day went, about Spanish or soccer class, and the response would always be similar. At one point, I wondered if our conversations would always be as short as “No,” “Fine” and “Uh-huh.”

I tried negotiating with desserts or toys, but nothing worked. I soon became frustrated that I could not bridge the communication gap with her and feared that we might never enjoy meaningful conversations.

Pastor Marquis Johns presents at the Columbia Union Young Adult Summit. | Photo by Brian Tagalog

5 Steps for Bridging Generational Gaps

Marquis Johns, senior pastor of Allegheny East Conference’s North Philadelphia church, shares these steps for bridging the gaps between the various age cohorts.

Talk about generational differences.

Focus on the “why,” not on the “what,” and the common needs.

Agree on how to communicate different approaches.

Maximize the strengths of each generation.

Story by Lauren Brooks

On Sunday, May 21, Kettering College and Kettering Medical Center participated in a full-scale mass casualty emergency preparedness exercise.

The exercise used intentional simulations to assess emergency procedures and medical responses to a mass casualty incident involving elements of terrorism and an active shooter incident. This simulation included mock wounds and sound effects to create a more realistic setting, and it was one of the largest exercises of this kind in the Dayton area.

WGTS Team celebrates a successful Spring Fundraiser

Story by Jerry Woods

Once again WGTS 91.9 listeners showed their support by being a part of the station’s spring fundraiser.   Over 3,300 listeners stepped up to contribute more than $1.1 million dollars to keep the listener-supported ministry running strong.

This was the first WGTS fundraiser for the new afternoon team of Johnny and Stacey Stone, and they shared their thoughts on the experience.

“The pre-preparation for this event is unlike any other I’ve seen in my career of fundraising,” says Stacey.