
Navigate Uncharted Territory Together

Editorial by Rick Jordan

As we reflect on the extraordinary events of 2020, we understand our lives have dramatically changed. The pandemic shut down the economy, prohibited public gatherings and closed churches and schools. Leaders everywhere scrabbled to stay connected—who would have thought Zoom, face masks and social distancing would become part of everyday life?

Trenton Spanish church

Story by Yelitza De Leon

The Trenton Spanish church is a large family that cares for its surrounding community. In these recent times of uncertainty, many turned to Trenton Spanish for financial and spiritual help, and leaders gathered to create a plan of action.

At the beginning of quarantine, Trenton Spanish distributed funds to members and nonmembers who needed food, medicine and more. With the help of other contributing families in the community, members gathered and distributed truck-sized food donations to families that were in need. Leaders formed prayer chains three times a day, and many felt supported and loved.

Image by AgnieszkaMonk from Pixabay

by Jorge Aguero

From the moment the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, we began to experience a global crisis. Some parts of the world were in lockdown and quarantined. Phrases like “stay at home,” “wear masks” and “social distance” were and still are our new normal. For a period of four months, churches were closed, and some will not reopen for the rest of the year. But the focus is on the reopening of business, malls and restaurants, with the message: “Come in. We are open.”

Tea lights

by Burney Culpepper

As the COVID-19 pandemic impacted education throughout Pennsylvania and beyond, the Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) team needed to work on our 2020–21 budget. Not knowing what the year would bring, we based our finances on 80 students. And we prayed, knowing that God is faithful.

Image by AgnieszkaMonk from Pixabay

Editorial de Jorge Agüero

El 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud declaró al COVID-19 como pandemia. A partir de ese momento, impuso una crisis global. Algunas partes del mundo estaban cerradas y en cuarentena. Frases como “quédate en casa”, “usa máscaras” y “distancia social”, fueron nuestra nueva normalidad.

Durante más de cuatro meses, las iglesias estuvieron cerradas, y algunas no volverán a abrir durante el resto del año. Pero la atención se centra en la reapertura de los negocios, centros comerciales y restaurantes, con el mensaje: “Adelante. Estamos abiertos”.

Story by WGTS Staff

“Having enough food in the pantry or the cupboard or the fridge is a challenge many families are facing right now, especially during a time when the coronavirus is affecting people,” says Jitesh Ram, WGTS community engagement coordinator. As a way to make sure families are receiving the food they need, WGTS and their listeners teamed up together with McLean Bible Church over the summer months to collect food.

by Heidi Shoemaker

Who doesn’t love receiving a card in the mail? A text from a friend? Maybe even a call from a dear family member? Though many church facilities have reopened, not everyone has returned to in-person worship. To that end, members have found unique ways to reach out to church family and stay connected to those worshipping from home.

Ohio Conference’s Communication Department asked church members to consider reaching out to members who, for one reason or another, haven’t physically returned to church since the pandemic. It is in times like these where at-home worshippers need to know they are being thought of and prayed for. Suggestions included mailing cards to senior members, texting and checking up on college students or calling friends just to say hello.

Mark Hall from Casting Crowns sings during “Night of Hope”

If there is one thing we’ve needed more than ever this year it is hope.  Every year WGTS 91.9 presents the “Night of Hope” event targeted at people who are curious to learn more about Jesus.  This year’s event was moved online because of coronavirus restrictions.  Casting Crowns set the move for the evening with their performance.  Then, Darren Mulligan of the band We Are Messengers shared his story about how Jesus pulled him out of a life of sin and destruction.  At the end of his message, Darren asked listeners who wanted to receive Jesus to pray with him. Finally, Pastor Mike Speegle invited them to text “Jesus” to 800-700-1094 to get the WGTS Bible study called “Getting to Know Jesus.”