
On behalf of the Office of Education, local administrators presented the following academy graduates and stuents with Caring Heart Awards for their dedication to service and witnessing. 

Blue Mountain Academy–Everaldo Paim de Araujo (pictured with Principal Burney Culpepper)Highland View Academy–Ana LopesLake Nelson Adventist Academy–Amy ColonPine Forge Academy – Caleb WilliamsRichmond Academy – Karyle CortiguerraShenandoah Valley Academy – Ceiry Nicoll FloresSpencerville Adventist Academy – Daniela CruzSpring Valley Academy – Lewis O’NealTakoma Academy – Lauren Cone


En agosto, se abre la inscripción para “Incansable”, el Camporee de Conquistadores de la Unión de Columbia, que será del 10 al 14 de agosto del 2022, en la Reserva Summit Bechtel en West Virginia. La instalación alberga el Jamboree Nacional de los Scouts y cuenta con más de 10,000 acres para explorar. Los asistentes podrán pescar, caminar, andar en bicicleta de montaña, usar la tirolesa, escalar muros, andar en kayak, balsa de aguas rápidas y más. Obtenga más información en

Tim Bailey is pictured with his family.

Historia de Valerie Morikone

Esta primavera, el Comité Ejecutivo de la Conferencia de Mountain View (MVC) eligió a Tim Bailey como el nuevo presidente de la conferencia. Desde el 2015, Bailey se ha desempeñado como director ministerial y coordinador de evangelización de la Conferencia de Pensilvania.

“Se siente bien volver a casa”, comparte Bailey, quien comenzó su ministerio pastoral en MVC en 1987 en el distrito de las iglesias Wheeling y Weirton en West Virginia.

Bailey reemplaza a Mike Hewitt, quien aceptó un llamado para servir como vicepresidente administrativo de la Conferencia de Kentucky-Tennessee.

Charles Tapp is the new president of the Potomac Conference.

Durante el Tercer Congreso Quinquenal Constituyente de la Conferencia de Potomac, celebrada a través de Zoom en marzo, los delegados votaron como presidente de la conferencia a Charles A. Tapp, antiguo pastor principal de la iglesia de Sligo de la Conferencia de Potomac en Takoma Park, Maryland.

Cuando Bill Miller, presidente de la conferencia durante casi 15 años, se alejó de su cargo, expresó su gratitud a los constituyentes en su informe presidencial, diciendo: “Gracias a todos ustedes por los muchos años exitosos de traer almas preciosas al reino y el trabajo en el crecimiento de iglesias sanas y que hacen discípulos".

The Leesburg PBE team of three members is joined by their coaches (top left corner)

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

Veintitrés equipos de la Unión de Columbia que participaron en la Experiencia Bíblica para Conquistadores (PBE) ocuparon el primer lugar en el evento virtual de la División Norteamericana (NAD) en abril. Los miembros de estos equipos estudiaron los libros de Hebreos, Santiago y 1 y 2 Pedro durante meses, antes del evento, el segundo que se llevó a cabo virtualmente debido a las precauciones contra la pandemia. Veinticinco equipos de la unión calificaron para participar en el evento de la división al ocupar el primer lugar en el evento de la unión en marzo.

Story by LaTasha Hewitt

Allegheny East Conference's Ebenezer church in Philadelphia is celebrating 110 years of ministry this year, and members plan to celebrate all year long. When considering the year’s theme, church leaders reached out to former members, friends and the community. “There’s No Place Like Home” seemed to capture the sentiments of those involved. Wanting to also consider the future, they added the subtitle: “Honoring Our Past and Shaping Tomorrow.”

Image from iStock

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life“ (John 3:16, KJV).

John 3:16 reminds me of how much God loves us. He loves us so much that He gave His only Son to take the punishment for our sins and die on a cross in our place. If God hadn’t given Jesus to take our place, we would all be dead, as sin would have consumed us from the inside out.

Image from iStock

“In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength” (Isa. 30:15, NKJV).

I am typically a task-oriented person. It’s like I have tunnel vision. When I see something that needs doing, I may ask for a volunteer to take it on. But if no one speaks up, I just go ahead and do it my way.

I have acquired a lot of jobs this way, and I didn’t realize that, as I took on more and more responsibilities, I was hindering others from expanding their talents or discovering their God-given gifts. I just assumed everyone was OK with me doing things my way.

At the first 2021–2026 Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee meeting, members gathered via Zoom to vote on several matters relating to upcoming business sessions involving the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

They voted to support the following motion:


WHEREAS, the General Conference Executive Committee has voted to convene a Special General Conference Session on January 18, 2022, Silver Spring, Maryland, for the sole purpose of amending the General Conference Constitution, Article V, by adding a new Sec. 4 to allow for electronic participation reading as follows: