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“But Ruth replied, ‘Don’t urge me to leave you. ...’ When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her” (Ruth 1:16, 18, NKJV).

I have experienced a bitter spirit like Naomi. As an African-American woman, I have experienced many losses through racism, sexism, classism and misogynoir. Of those losses, it has been the ones I have suffered within my faith community that have been the most devastating because they resulted in misperceptions of God. Like Naomi, my misperception of God evoked anger, disappointment and bitterness. But unlike Naomi, my misperception also led to loss of identity with God.

Rodney Bowes, ASI International's vice president for evangelism, shared digital tools available to anyone interested in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Story by Michele Joseph

ASI Columbia Union recently hosted a virtual workshop to help members become digital missionaries.

Rodney Bowes, ASI International’s vice president for evangelism, showcased the tools available through its 3AM Call website. The resource was created to help anyone who wants to tell others about the soon coming of Jesus.

Sending her son to Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) was a hard decision for one single mother, but one that was necessary. Although she didn’t know how she would pay for his tuition, she wanted more for him and his life, so, in faith, she enrolled him. And then prayed. And prayed.

Williamsport SDA Church, Ramon J. Canals

Story by Andre Hastick

Recently, the Williamsport (Md.) church held Sabbath School Alive, a one-day training seminar to equip Sabbath School leaders to create more engaging experiences for class attendees by focusing on prayer, Bible study, fellowship and mission. Guest speaker Ramon J. Canals (pictured), director of Sabbath School and Personal Ministries for the General Conference, trained participants by helping them develop practical plans to make each Sabbath School class vibrant.

Virtual Visitor 5K/1 Mile Walk/Run

Story by Patricia M. Mosby

When we were teenagers, my grandmother used to urge my sister and I to get out of bed early and get to work. “Stop practicing death,” she would say. She wanted us to enjoy God’s delights for the day.

With three parents between my husband, Kevin, and I who have lived past the age of 80, we’ve found that it is possible to stay healthy longer. And, why shouldn’t we want to? God has given us an opportunity to share the gospel in a healthy way: by being as physically fit as possible.

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For we live by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7, NIV).

This short verse contains guidance on how to live our lives.

Will the current pandemic pass? When? How much longer will it last?
Will my life ever calm down again? In the midst of this storm, time is not standing still; it is not waiting for me to catch up. It will not go back to redeem days. I am not getting any younger. In fact, to the contrary, every joint in my body is starting to hurt.

Image from istock

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105, NKJV).

Friday was almost over. Our Pathfinder club had settled in a beautiful open field close to a stream with just a few feet of forest between our camp and the creek.

My friend and I volunteered to get water for the evening’s activities. But soon the sun started to set, and the forest got dark fast. By the time we filled our buckets, the forest was pitch black.

Image by ciobanucatalina from Pixabay

Story by Kettering Adventist HealthCare Staff

Kettering Adventist HealthCare launched a new program to help support emergency personnel’s mental health. Offered at Kettering Behavioral Medicine Center, the program is open to helping firefighters, police officers, corrections officers, EMS/EMT, and health care workers.

Adventist HealthCare caregivers offer high-quality care with compassion to promote healing.

Story by Adventist HealthCare Staff

Adventist HealthCare has been steadily and intentionally pursuing a goal
of world-class excellence across the organization – an aspiration recently recognized by the National Institute of Standards in Technology (NIST) and the prestigious Baldrige Performance Excellence Program.

Lors de l’ouverture de la réunion de fin d’année du Comité Executif  de l'Union de Fédérations de Columbia,  le président de l’union Dave Weigley, a mentionné  que la mission se poursuit malgré les restrictions dues à la pandémie de coronavirus. Il a également indiqué que la direction de l’union était impatiente de célébrer 2021 comme l'Année de la Bible, avec des ressources et un évènement spécial prévu pour le mois de février.