
Todd Casey, pictured with his wife, December, is the new youth director for the Pennsylvania Conference.

Story by Tamyra Horst

The Pennsylvania Conference is excited to welcome Pastor Todd Casey and his wife, December. Casey accepted an invitation to serve as youth director, joining the team April 1. Connecting young people to Christ, equipping them for service and providing opportunities for them to serve, fellowship and grow in their relationship with God are priorities in the conference. “Chosen and Called,” one of the eight strategic mission initiatives, focuses on discipling young people in Pennsylvania. Casey shares this vision for Youth Ministries.

Ekele Nwankwo is an active member in the Health Ministries Department at Allegheny West Conference's Columbus All Nations (Ohio) church.

Story by Benia Jennings

Ekele Nwankwo is a woman on a mission to sustainable well-being. As an active member in the Health Ministries Department at Allegheny West Conference's Columbus All Nations (Ohio) church, she uses her wealth of experience as a doctor of naturopathy in original medicine to encourage church members—primarily women ages 30 and above—to live a healthy life.

Due to Guadalupe “Lupita” Nieto Arroyo’s passing, more than 20 people have started Bible studies and are now attending church.

Story by Tiffany Doss

At the age of nine, Guadalupe “Lupita” Nieto Arroyo felt lost in a sea of deep loneliness and depression. She had long been the target of school bullying, and her home life felt unstable, as her parents considered divorce.

Psychologists and therapists who counseled Arroyo advised her to leave her circle of friends—many of whom used drugs and listened to music with dark messages. However, she didn’t know where else to find refuge.

New Hope Member Valerie Butler has made 130 masks to share in the community.

By Cynthia Mendoza

In a time when wearing protective masks is part of the new normal, thanks to COVID-19, Seventh-day Adventists throughout the Columbia Union Conference are stepping up to help meet those needs in creative ways, while also sharing encouragement and hope as they do so.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Story by Alicia Tucker

“Thanks to its great team, an amazing thing happened at Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington (ACSGW) Thursday, May 28,” noted Ken Flemmer, ACSGW’s Executive Director. “We set an all-time, one-day assistance record. We more than doubled the previous record.”

Una declaración del Consejo Presidencial de la Unión de Columbia
Un Llamado a la Justicia, la Oración y la Paz

La semana pasada fuimos testigos de una tragedia con el asesinato de George Floyd en Minneapolis, Minnesota. Como resultado de esto, así como de los asesinatos recientes de Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor y otros, muchas personas en todo el país y en nuestra unión, están conmocionados. Miles, incluidos los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley, están horrorizados por las acciones de las personas que no pudieron servir y proteger a sus comunidades. La angustia y el dolor son evidentes por los disturbios civiles y las protestas en más de 140 ciudades.

Last week we witnessed a tragedy in the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minn. As a result of this, as well as the recent killings of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and others, many people across our nation, and in our union, are in a state of turmoil. Thousands, including law enforcement officials, are appalled by the actions of the individuals who failed to serve and protect their communities. The anguish and pain is evident by the protests in 140 cities.

As Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we rise with all who condemn these actions, and we, too, call for justice.

Deseo ser veraz

La muerte sin sentido de George Floyd en Minneapolis el lunes por la noche da lugar a emociones que profundas e impactantes. Ira. Miedo. Decepción. Rabia. Tristeza. Impotencia. Experimentamos todas esas emociones a la vez ya que colectivamente tratamos de lidiar con otro ejemplo de injusticia y violación de los derechos humanos más básicos y fundamentales: la vida misma.

Uno puede reconocer el papel de las fuerzas del orden y también condenar el comportamiento que menoscaba y deshonra los valores fundamentales de nuestra sociedad. Estoy indignado por lo que vi en el video y también por lo que ha sucedido desde entonces. Debemos encontrar una manera de poner fin a la violencia y el abuso.