
Sarah Porter and Swiffer

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Swiffer, an approximately 5-year-old Great Pyrenees/Labrador/mix, and his owner, Sarah Porter, a member at Chesapeake Conference’s New Hope church in Fulton, Md., have provided pet therapy to medical staff with Pets on Wheels since 2018. But when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, their visits to local hospitals stopped.

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Perspective by Pastor Will Johns

How do you make summer plans right now? It is very difficult to plan anything because so much is unknown about what restrictions will or will not still be in place. And so we must deal with the loss of future expectation. I don't know about you, but I like having things to look forward to. I love it when I have some family vacations scheduled on the calendar. I have had to cancel two trips for this summer already and that is disappointing. I'm sure most of you are in a similar situation. So how do we respond?

Adventist HealthCare workers pray during the Coronavirus pandemic

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

With all churches across the Columbia Union Conference physically closed due to the coronavirus, pastors and members changed—seemingly overnight— the way they minister. In addition to offering livestreamed or pre-recorded services, many churches and conferences moved planning meetings, Sabbath School classes and Bible studies to Zoom, Facebook Live or other digital video platforms.

Image by Sepph on Pixabay

Editorial by Dave Weigley

Recently our world has been overtaken by the coronavirus pandemic. Fear and uncertainty abound, people are suffering and many lives have been lost. Social distancing measures have left many people working from home or seeking unemployment benefits. Health care workers and frontline responders are risking their lives to save others. Many people are wondering if this is the beginning of the end. And, at the writing of this editorial, our churches are meeting virtually, students are distance learning, and camp meetings, summer camps, graduations and special events have been postponed or canceled.

Image by Mohamed_Hassan on Pixabay

1.The Columbia Union Conference partnered with the General Conference and North American Division to help fund $900,000 to support local conference outreach ministries, such as the community center at Pennsylvania Conference’s Grace Outlet church in Reading.

2.The Office of Ministries Development organized our first unionwide evangelism conference where we challenged pastors to employ the best methods for reaching today’s culture.

Gabriel Orellana, Stephanie Jaqua, Urna Uuganbayar, Angel Hernandez share week of prayer messages.

Story by Jacklyn Ruth

Last week, five Highland View Academy (HVA) students led out in a virtual Week of Prayer experience. With school buildings closed across the region due to the coronavirus pandemic, students were unable to meet together in person for this special week of spiritual emphasis. 

Story by Celeste Ryan Blyden

Members of the Columbia Union Conference’s Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) Chapter will host a virtual meet up Monday, April 27, 2020, from 8-9 p.m. via Zoom. “This event will provide an opportunity for small business owners and nonprofit ministry leaders to join us for prayer, encouragement, networking and support,” says Mark Brown, chapter president. “We believe that connection and interaction will spiritually uplift those who are struggling during this time of quarantine and social distancing.”

To register for the event, please click here.

Image by EDJ on Pixabay

Story by Visitor Staff

Besides taking care of the physical needs of COVID-19 patients, nurse Crystal Lubis has the privilege of virtually connecting patients to family members during some of their most intimate moments.

Lubis, who frequently attends Potomac Conference’s Capital Chinese church in Silver Spring, Md., is a bedside nurse in the adult intensive care unit at a hospital in suburban Maryland. A nurse for 12 years, she’s frequently on the dedicated COVID-19 ICU section.

Story by Tiffany Doss

During a "parade of compassion" in Richmond, Va., eight cars, donned with brightly-colored ribbons, children waving out of windows and drivers honking their horns, circled around several retirement communities to bring joy and a sense of belonging to the residents inside.

This is just one way members of Potomac Conference's Courthouse Road church in North Chesterfield, Va., continue to build bridges to God during these uncertain times.

Lake Nelson Adventist Academy middle-schoolers whistle away on their recorders.

Story by Samantha Rivera

The New Jersey Conference Lake Nelson Adventist Academy's (LNAA) Music Department is reaching new heights this acadmic year. The head of the department, Henoc Morrobel, a talented musician, leads the orchestra and band; the high school choir director, Mahaleth Forbes, uses her tremendous capabilities in music; and the middle school choir director, Kimberly Francis, exercises her gifts of leadership and creativity to conduct the Harmony choir.