
Una declaración del Consejo Presidencial de la Unión de Columbia
Un Llamado a la Justicia, la Oración y la Paz

La semana pasada fuimos testigos de una tragedia con el asesinato de George Floyd en Minneapolis, Minnesota. Como resultado de esto, así como de los asesinatos recientes de Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor y otros, muchas personas en todo el país y en nuestra unión, están conmocionados. Miles, incluidos los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley, están horrorizados por las acciones de las personas que no pudieron servir y proteger a sus comunidades. La angustia y el dolor son evidentes por los disturbios civiles y las protestas en más de 140 ciudades.

Last week we witnessed a tragedy in the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minn. As a result of this, as well as the recent killings of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and others, many people across our nation, and in our union, are in a state of turmoil. Thousands, including law enforcement officials, are appalled by the actions of the individuals who failed to serve and protect their communities. The anguish and pain is evident by the protests in 140 cities.

As Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we rise with all who condemn these actions, and we, too, call for justice.

Deseo ser veraz

La muerte sin sentido de George Floyd en Minneapolis el lunes por la noche da lugar a emociones que profundas e impactantes. Ira. Miedo. Decepción. Rabia. Tristeza. Impotencia. Experimentamos todas esas emociones a la vez ya que colectivamente tratamos de lidiar con otro ejemplo de injusticia y violación de los derechos humanos más básicos y fundamentales: la vida misma.

Uno puede reconocer el papel de las fuerzas del orden y también condenar el comportamiento que menoscaba y deshonra los valores fundamentales de nuestra sociedad. Estoy indignado por lo que vi en el video y también por lo que ha sucedido desde entonces. Debemos encontrar una manera de poner fin a la violencia y el abuso.

Chesapeake Conference Caravan 2020

Story by Andre Hastick

Orlando Rosales, the conference’s Multilingual Ministries director, and Rubén Ramos, the vice president of Multilingual Ministries for the Columbia Union Conference, recently traveled throughout the Chesapeake territory for Caravan 2020, themed “El Dia es Hoy” (Today Is the Day).

They visited 10 Spanish-speaking churches, and, at each stop, encouraged every church member to pray for five people with the purpose to personally lead at least one person to Christ within the year.

Editorial by Terry Forde

The senseless death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on Monday night gives rise to emotions that are primal and powerful. Anger. Fear. Disappointment. Rage. Sadness. Helplessness. And we experience all of these emotions at once, as collectively we try to grapple with yet another example of injustice and violation of the most basic and fundamental human right: life itself.

One can acknowledge the role of law enforcement and also condemn behavior that flaunts and dishonors the foundational values of our society. I am outraged by what I saw on the video, and also by what has happened since. We must find a way to stop the violence and the abuse.

Education Superintendent Rick Bianco (far left) stands with the Geography Challenge emcee, winners, spon- sors and judges.

Story by Heidi Shoemaker

Geography. It encompasses so much more than states and flags and waterways. “It’s about cultures and people, not just about where they live, but about how and why they live,” shared Richard Bianco, Ohio Conference’s Superintendent of Education, during his welcome at the third annual Geography Challenge.

Editorial por Jerrmain Clarke

A principios de este año, la Asociación de Nueva Jersey lanzó su programa de bienestar natural titulado “Nueva Jersey Saludable 2020”. La misión de este programa es compartir el mensaje de esperanza, salud y bienestar de Cristo. La visión es educar y entrenar la mente, el cuerpo y el alma a través de la aplicación terapéutica de las Ocho Leyes de Salud de Dios: la confianza de Dios; Aire libre; Ejercicio diario; Brillo Solar; Descanso adecuado; Mucha agua; Siempre templado; y Nutrición (Plan de Dios) para la preservación y restauración de la salud.

Editorial by Jerrmain Clarke

Earlier this year, the New Jersey Conference launched its natural wellness program titled “New Jersey Healthy 2020.” The mission of this program is to share Christ’s message of hope, health and wellness. The vision is to educate and train the mind, body and soul through the therapeutic application of God’s eight laws of health, known as GOD’S PLAN: Godly trust; Open air; Daily exercise; Sunshine; Proper rest; Lots of water; Always temperate; and Nutrition for the preservation and restoration of health.

Highland View Academy Capital Model United Nations delegation

Story by Andrew S. Lay

Earlier this year, 20 Highland View Academy (HVA) juniors and seniors joined more than 100 academy students from across the Chesapeake Conference to participate in the second annual Capital Model United Nations (Model UN), held at Washington Adventist University in Takoma Park, Md. The high schoolers could not wait to engage fellow students on important and current human rights issues.