
Sung Kwon presents an award to Minnie McNeil as her husband, Andrew, looks on.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Photos by Dan Weber/NAD Communication

During the Adventist Ministries Convention in Albuquerque, N.M., North American Division (NAD) leaders recognized several longtime Columbia Union Conference leaders with Lifetime Achievement awards. 

“Our hope is that when we recognize and show gratitude to individuals who are [providing] exemplary contributions, other leaders are inspired to value excellence in their pursuits for God and His Church,” says Debra Brill, NAD’s vice president for Ministries and event organizer.

Un empleado del gobierno carga comestibles.

Artículo por V. Michelle Bernard

El reciente cierre del gobierno detuvo los cheques de 800,000 empleados del gobierno federal. Como resultado, los adventistas del séptimo día en el área metropolitana de Washington trabajaron para ayudar a aliviar la carga de los afectados.

Después de escuchar tantos informes de trabajadores federales que luchaban por alimentar a sus familias, el personal de Adventist Community Services de Greater Washington (ACSGW) en Silver Spring, Md., organizó varios “Pop Up Pantries” para los trabajadores suspendidos, donde compartieron comida con más de una docena de personas.

New Adventist HealthCare White Oak Medical Center Opens in Late August

Story by Lydia Parris

Adventist HealthCare has announced that it will debut a new, all-private room hospital on Sunday, Aug. 25, as Adventist HealthCare White Oak Medical Center opens to serve patients in Montgomery, Prince George’s and surrounding counties.

Construction of the $400 million White Oak Medical Center is fast approaching completion. Exterior work on the 180-bed hospital is nearly complete and interior work in patient care areas will continue over the next few months.

Story by Elizabeth Long

Roy Chew, Ph.D., president of Kettering Adventist HealthCare since 2015, is retiring effective February 15.

“I am so thankful for the opportunity to have worked with Roy over the years,” says Fred Manchur, CEO of Kettering Adventist HealthCare. “Roy’s innovative approach and passion for the very best clinical technology, married with a faith-based approach to caring for our community, exemplifies Kettering Adventist HealthCare’s legacy of excellence in health care.”

Ellenor Paul-O'Neil recognizes Peter Moses

Story by Heidi Wetmore

Spencerville Adventist Academy (SAA) high school students recently participated in the first of this year’s four Dress for Success days. Ellenor Paul-O’Neil, high school vice principal, explains, “Dress for Success Day is intended to teach students how to dress for a professional, business environment. Employers have indicated that many applicants for jobs do not understand how to dress for professional business events such as a job interview or other professional activities. Additionally, it is critical that youth know how to effectively represent themselves in a professional manner.”

Dee Casper, CORE director

Story by Tamyra Horst

The Pennsylvania Conference is excited to launch CORE, a nine-month mission training program designed to immerse young adults into the CORE of Christianity and to tackle the biggest questions they are asking: Why am I an Adventist? How do I take this message to my demographic? How can I find an experience with God worth sharing?

This new initiative will allow young adults to experience a deeper relationship with Christ by engaging in Bible studies; literature, digital media and health evangelism; and city and overseas missions. The program is designed to connect students with Christ and equip them to share the gospel message to the world.

Spring Valley Golden Gala

Story by Vicki Swetnam

Spring Valley Academy (SVA) hosted “The Golden Gala” last fall, as the school celebrated its 50th anniversary. “The past several years, we’ve held the auction at off-campus locations,” says Darren Wilkins, principal. “But with the 50th anniversary and our new Worship and Performing Arts Center completed, we really wanted to hold the event at the school.”

The last four galas have raised money for the just-completed first phase of the new center, and this event gave SVA the opportunity to show gala sponsors, donors and volunteers how their gifts were used. With the first phase of this new facility costing around $5.5 million, the gala was one of the major donors to this campaign, contributing more than $1 million.

Math teacher D’Anya Brezzell (right) shares her thoughts about Kelli Raí Collins’ new devotional book.

Story by Salena Featherstone

Kelli Raí Collins has been the data specialist at Potomac Conference's Takoma Academy (TA) for five years, and is a proud parent of three: current TA student Solomon (’20), TA alum Zoie (’18) and Oakwood University (Ala.) student Mykel. Collins, a third generation Seventh-day Adventist, has always been dedicated to giving her children the Christian education she received.