
Tim Conley 101 Class

Story by Tiffany Doss

You don’t need to be enrolled in college to take a 101 class in the intricacies of gardening, maneuvering remote controlled helicopters, creating stained glass or baking bread. Members at Potomac Conference’s Harrisonburg and Charlottesville churches in Virginia have been tuning in weekly via Zoom to discover what hidden talents fellow district members can teach each other.

Norma and Santiago Matias

Story by Mario Thorp

For this year’s spring evangelism series, Carlos Torres, the Personal Ministries director for the New Jersey Conference, and a team of 16 young adults, led the “Encuentros de Fe y Esperanza” (Encounters of Faith and Hope) program—a study of Jesus in the gospels and a doctrinal bridge to the Seventh-day Adventist message.

Each night more than 200 families across the United States and Latin America listened to the Word of God from their electronic devices. After the meetings, the viewers were encouraged to connect with Adventists willing to talk about any subject matter they wished.

Story by Tamyra Horst

Those who know Jeannette Dare can testify she has a love and passion for people and a desire to care for them in practical ways. Dare brought this passion and care to her work as Pennsylvania Conference’s Adventist Community Services director for the last 13 years. Since 2007 she has worked to equip and encourage churches to meet the needs of their communities in practical ways, believing this would open doors for sharing the gospel. She helped churches plan programs and events with low costs adapted to their specific location.

Story by LaTasha Hewitt

Earlier this year, the Yeboah family of Allegheny East Conference's Philadelphia Ghana church had their lives turned upside down when their 7-year-old daughter, Jayzlyn, was hit by a car after exiting a school bus. As a result, she suffered a major brain injury causing her to be hospitalized for six months.

Doctors said her condition was grim and she needed to be airlifted to another hospital. But the unfavorable weather stood in the way. Doctors told the family they would have to transport her via ground travel and would need them to sign a waiver. “That’s when we knew how bad she was,” says Dickson Yeboah, Jayzlyn’s father.

Alors que la première vague de la pandémie de COVID-19 frappait le centre de l’Atlantique, les dirigeants des Services Communautaires Adventistes et de la réponse aux catastrophes (ACS) de toutel’ Union de Columbia sont intervenus pour répondre à des besoins accrus.

« Pour la première fois, de nombreuses familles ont dû chercher où trouver de la nourriture pour mettre sur leur table », explique Frank Bondurant, vice-président pour le développement des minis- tères à l’Union de Columbia, qui supervise les efforts au niveau de l’Union. « Il y a une énorme demande d’épicerie dans nos services communautaires, nos garde-manger et nos centres de collecte. »

Rebecca Malin

Story by Andre Hastick

In mid-March, teachers and students across the conference were unable to meet in their respective school buildings due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. To adapt to this new reality, educators in all 11 Chesapeake Conference schools began offering comprehensive distance learning experiences for their students.

“We saw it coming and prepared ahead of time,” says Janesta Walker, superintendent of schools for Chesapeake. “We met with the teachers right before spring break to discuss what school would look like in a few weeks, and started providing online resources such as Zoom, Google Classroom and Schoology.”

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

At the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Columbia Union Conference leadership expected a 40 percent drop in tithe for the January–May 2020 quarter. “God has turned it around and has been gracious,” said Emmanuel Asiedu, Columbia Union treasurer, who reported only about a 4.5 percent drop in tithe (not all conferences experienced a drop) at a Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee meeting July 8 (via Zoom).

Story by Kimberly Luste Maran/North American Division Communication

On July 9, 2020, the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s General Conference Executive Committee met virtually to receive the name of G. Alexander Bryant, the recommendation for division president, from both the North American Division’s nominating committee and executive committee. Bryant was confirmed in a vote of 153 to 3.

Histoire par Ricardo Bacchus

Dernièrement, Victor, la souris de Visitor, vous cherchait. Il a besoin de 15 enfants pour le trouver afin qu’il ne soit pas seul. Ensuite, 1. Demandez à quelqu’un de vous prendre en photo avec lui. 2. Postez-le / « taguez » nous sur Facebook. 3. Attendez qu’un jeu de mémoire biblique arrive de LivingWell à Silver Spring, dans le Maryland.