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Editorial by Jerry Lutz

In today’s tech-reliant world, it can be tougher than ever to focus on something without getting distracted. Some of the wonderful gadgets designed to make our lives easier and keep us constantly connected can be dangerous—and even deadly—when, for instance, one’s attention is on texting instead of on the more pressing matter of driving. Of course, ours is not the first generation to face the challenge of staying on-task. Proverbs 4:25 says, “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you” (NIV). Distraction was apparently a concern back in the days of Solomon too.

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Editorial by Terry Forde

The end of the year has rightly earned the title “the holiday rush.” We are motivated by a strong desire to get everything just right, to get everything ready on time, and to get things completed as the year comes to an end. It is quite easy to get so wrapped up in all the activity that we lose sight of what’s most important about the holiday season to begin with.

And then we remember that one short verse: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

Which is why spending time with your kids doing next to nothing still matters. It’s why catching up with an old friend on the phone for a few minutes is worth the time invested. It’s why the holiday cards that arrive via post or email are worth taking the time to read.