
Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

Este verano, unas 15,600 Biblias y más de 100,000 libros El Camino a Cristo llegaron a la sede de la Unión de Columbia en Columbia, Maryland, listas para ser distribuidas a las iglesias y miembros de toda la unión.

Es la segunda distribución a gran escala en los últimos dos años donde los líderes de la unión enviaron los libros a los representantes de los territorios de las ocho conferencias.

Las Biblias se entregaron a las conferencias a un precio muy reducido y los libros El Camino a Cristo fueron financiados, todo gracias a un donante.

TobyMac takes a selfie with two young WGTS listeners.

Story by Lindsey Gispert

WGTS 91.9 and TobyMac recently celebrated the release of his latest album, Life After Death, by having a party with local listeners and donors. Guests enjoyed TobyMac's commentary on his favorite new songs, which describe his recent journey through grief. The night concluded with a cornhole tournament where Toby, a tough competitor, battled the winner.

Story by Josseline Q. Ayala   

WGTS 91.9 celebrated its one-year anniversary on the Eastern Shore with a summer beach concert as part of the “91 Days of Summer.” About one year ago WGTS purchased and launched 88.3 FM. Over 600 listeners enjoyed the afternoon with a concert from the Christian music artist Blessing Offor. Afternoon show hosts Johnny and Stacey Stone broadcasted live from the beach and the WGTS staff served ice cream to everyone as part of the ongoing ice cream tour. 

"We were very excited about our first event at Ocean City. We had a good turnout and look forward to more events on the Eastern Shore," said WGTS Strategic Initiative Director Mike Agee.  

Le personnel du Camp Mohaven n'a eu que quelques minutes pour réagir lorsque des tornades ont récemment ravagé la propriété à Danville, Ohio. « Grâce à la miséricorde de Dieu et à leur professionnalisme, tous les campeurs, le personnel et les personnes présentes sur le site sont sortis sains et saufs », déclarent les responsables du camp et du centre de retraite de la Fédération d'Ohio. 

Le président de la Fédération d'Ohio, Bob Cundiff, ajoute : « Le personnel de notre camp d'été a fait un excellent travail pendant cette crise. Ils ont parfaitement exécuté le plan d'action d'urgence du camp Mohaven et ont mis tout le monde en sécurité à temps. »  


Image by Couleur from Pixabay

Un estudio reciente de salud de la Universidad de Loma Linda encontró que los hombres que consumían alrededor de 430 gramos de productos lácteos por día enfrentaban un riesgo 25% mayor de cáncer de próstata en comparación con los hombres que consumían solo 20.2 gramos de productos lácteos por día.

Además, los hombres que consumían alrededor de 430 gramos de lácteos al día se enfrentaban a un aumento aún mayor del riesgo en comparación con los hombres que no consumían lácteos en sus dietas.

Historia de Kasper Houghton, Jr.

El personal del Campamento Mohaven solo tuvo unos minutos para reaccionar cuando los tornados arrasaron recientemente la propiedad en Danville, Ohio.

“Gracias a la misericordia de Dios y su profesionalismo, todos los campistas, el personal y las personas que estaban en el lugar escaparon sanos y salvos”, dicen los líderes del campamento y centro de retiros de la Conferencia de Ohio.

El presidente de la Conferencia de Ohio, Bob Cundiff, agrega: “El personal de nuestro campamento de verano hizo un trabajo excelente durante esta crisis. Ejecutaron el plan de acción de emergencia del Campamento Mohaven sin problemas, apresurando a todos a un lugar seguro, a tiempo”.

Executive Secretary Celeste Ryan Blyden; President Dave Weigley; Treasurer Emmanuel Asiedu

Editorial by Executive Secretary Celeste Ryan Blyden; President Dave Weigley; and Treasurer Emmanuel Asiedu

If you say we are living in perilous and challenging times, times that try men’s souls, we agree. If you say we are living in the best and worst of times, we also agree. If you say we are living in the very last days of earth’s history, we most certainly agree.

Indeed, Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24:3–14 about the last days and the signs of His return are being fulfilled in our time. They dominate news headlines, posts and tweets.

Allegheny East Conference, Berea Church, Women's Ministries Department

Story by LaTasha Hewitt

Margaret Brown is Allegheny East Conference’s (AEC) longest serving Women’s Ministries area leader. Brown, a member of the Berea church in Baltimore, has been a local church leader in the Baltimore area since the inception of Women’s Ministries in the AEC more than 30 years ago.

Kelly Doherty, Tigor Lettsome and Wendy Prado display their trophies from the Relentless2022 individual competition. Image by Melvin Donadelle

Drill and drum corps competitions have long been a staple of Pathfinder camporees. This tradition continued at the "Relentless" Columbia Union Camporee this August. The team and individual competitions took place at the Summit Bechtel Reserve grounds in Glen Jean, W.Va. 

Between 60 and 80 people gather to worship God each Sabbath at the Moorefield Spanish Company.

Story by Liz Bailey

Much of Mountain View Conference's West Virginia territory, especially minority groups, still waits to be reached with the Seventh-day Adventist message. One such place is Moorefield, a small town boasting a population of 3,000, with 500 Hispanics.