
Roy Simpson is Ohio Conference's new treasurer.

Story by Heidi Shoemaker/Ricardo Bacchus

This week the Ohio Conference Executive Committee voted Roy Simpson to be the conference's new treasurer. He comes highly recommended by conference finance and personnel committees, as well as by treasury colleagues.

Simpson has been with the Ohio Conference since 2015, serving as assistant treasurer before becoming interim treasurer this fall. 

More information about Simpson to come. 



Story by Kettering Adventist HealthCare Staff

Kettering Adventist HealthCare's Sleep Center at the Kettering Medical Center (Ohio) is offering a new treatment for people with obstructive sleep apnea who don’t tolerate or benefit from CPAP therapy.

Inspire is an FDA-approved obstructive sleep apnea treatment. It’s a device that’s implanted under the skin of the neck and chest during an outpatient procedure. The device is controlled by a small, handheld remote. While you sleep, Inspire delivers mild stimulation to key airway muscles, allowing the airway to remain open–without a mask, hose, or machine.

image by Fotorech on Pixabay

For the 2020 Columbia Union Calendar, the Visitor staff teamed up with Pacific Press’ Vibrant Life magazine to offer inspirational, bite-sized healthy life suggestions.

“Hopefully this calendar will inspire people to try something new each month and take a step toward greater health and wellness," says Heather Quintana, editor of Vibrant Life and principal contributor to the calendar.

Editorial by Terry Forde

Have you ever been walking down the stairs and thought there was one more stair to go? But there wasn’t – so your foot connected with the floor a few inches sooner than you were expecting? And it made a little slapping noise and for just a moment you lost your balance, but then you were okay.

Or have you ever been going up the stairs and thought there was an extra step and suddenly found yourself negotiating nothing but air where you thought should have been a place for your foot to land?

Story by WGTS Staff

About the time listeners are picking up children from school or heading home from a long workday, many people play the game “Bible or Not” with WGTS' afternoon hosts Johnny and Stacey Stone.

It’s simple enough. Johnny gives three phrases and the participant (along with their family members in the car) can guess if the phrase is from the Bible or from another source, like a quote from a famous person. Stacey or another host can help you with a “lifeline” if you’re not sure, which always makes it exciting. Get all three correct, and you win!

Historia de Heidi Shoemaker

Ron Halvorsen Jr, presidente de la Conferencia de Ohio, aceptó una invitación de la Conferencia de Washington para regresar al ministerio pastoral. Halvorsen y su esposa Beth "Buffy" Verico Halvorsen, han servido en la Conferencia de Ohio desde febrero del 2014. Durante su mandato como presidente, Halvorsen se ha centrado en la oración, el discipulado y los jóvenes.

Historia de la revista Visitor y del personal de la iglesia de Capitol Hill

En 2017, Emil Peeler, el pastor principal de la iglesia Capitol Hill de la Conferencia Allegheny East en Washington, D.C., tuvo la visión de abrir un centro que ayudaría a abordar los problemas de salud mental que afectan las vidas de las personas en los vecindarios del área de D.C. "En muchas áreas de mi vida, como pastor, profesor, líder de la comunidad, incluso como amigo, veía personas en todos los niveles de ingresos que se veían afectadas por problemas de salud mental", dice Peeler. “La necesidad de terapia parecía mayor que los servicios disponibles, y aprendí que muy pocos servicios integraban una perspectiva cristiana. Dios puso en mi corazón que necesitaba hacer algo ".

Maxine is pictured center with former current students and colleagues

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

Maxine Forbes-Goulding, una de 454 educadores que prestan servicios en 74 escuelas de la Unión de Columbia, fue nombrada recientemente Maestra del Año entre los maestros de escuelas no públicas en Nueva Jersey.

El Consejo para la Educación Privada Estadounidense (CAPE, por sus siglas en inglés) de Nueva Jersey nombró recientemente a Maxine Forbes-Goulding, maestra de la Escuela Adventista del Séptimo Día de Waldwick de la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey, Maestra del Año 2019 de las Escuelas No Públicas.