Historia de Juliana Savoy / Photo de Jorge Pillco
Los hermanos de New Jersey fueron protagonistas en un esfuerzo evangelístico muy bendecido. A principios de este año los hermanos comenzaron a orar por sus amigos.
Se organizaron grupos pequeños a los que se invitaron a estos amigos para compartir el estudio de lecciones de compasión y fe. En abril se llevaron a cabo más de 200 reuniones de evangelismo y en mayo y junio vinieron las semanas de cosecha.
Historia de Pat Humphrey / Photos de Simon Yao
Mientras Roy Simpson estaba creciendo, su padre, Peter, siempre le cortaba el pelo, excepto por unos cuantos años cuando "yo quería hacer las cosas a mi manera", dice Roy, que solía pensar que era muy diferente de su papá. Eso cambió después de trabajar con él como voluntario en la oficina de la conferencia donde compartieron muchas charlas. Esas conversaciones "me hicieron comprender que tenemos mucho en común, especialmente nuestra pasión por el ministerio", dice Roy, tesorero asistente de la Conferencia de Ohio.
Historia de Pat Humphrey / Photos de Erica Haller
A los 15 años, José Cortés hijo, director ministerial asociado de la División de Norte América para evangelismo, quería ser médico, no pastor. José H. Cortés padre, que sirve como presidente de la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey, animó a su hijo a perseguir su sueño. Pero temprano una mañana en Madrid, España, Cortés hijo escuchó el llamado de su Padre celestial a ser pastor. "Creo que el maravilloso y ejemplar ministerio [de mi padre] durante sus primeros años influyó y motivó silenciosamente mi llamado", dice Cortés hijo.
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
Ronald Cho recently celebrated his retirement from Allegheny East Conference (AEC) after 30 years of service. During his tenure, he served as pastor of the Philadelphia Korean and Rockville (Md.) Central Korean churches. Prior to that, he served as the AEC Korean cultural leader and as a special assistant to the president.
Blog by Rob Vandeman
Early Church leader and scholar Jerome quoted the opinion of some that the first psalm is “the preface of the Holy Spirit” to the Psalter. It is certainly a very apt introduction. Two particular themes are found in it, which recur in many other psalms.
The first is the clear-cut distinction between the righteous and the wicked. The Bible as a whole, and specifically the Wisdom Literature, divides humankind into these two absolute categories, and does not recognize a third. Psalm 32, 36 and 112 also compare and contrast the righteous and the wicked.
Story by Pam Humphrey | Photo by Simon Yao
Tip: We have learned how important it is to have someone—a colleague or friend—close to you in ministry to share good and challenging moments.
While Roy Simpson was growing up, his dad, Peter, always cut his hair, except for a few years when “I wanted to do things my way,” says Roy, who used to think he was very different from his dad. That changed after working with him as a volunteer at the conference office where they shared many conversations. Those talks “made me realize that we have so much in common, especially our passion for ministry,” says Roy, assistant treasurer for Ohio Conference.
Editorial by V. Michelle Bernard
Mortified. That’s how my mom, Vicki (Curtiss) Bernard, recalls feeling as she sat in Chemistry class at Mount Vernon Academy where her dad, Leon Curtiss, was the teacher. “If we got what we deserve, we’d all be grease spots,” he’d say, trying to lighten the mood while navigating tough subjects like science and math. A fixture at Ohio Conference’s longtime school (now closed), my grandfather was known for his corny jokes and one-liners.