
Story by V. Michelle Bernard

The REACH Columbia Union Urban Evangelism School recently graduated its first class at the school’s new center on the campus of Washington Adventist University in Takoma Park, Md.

Tiffany Brown, director, says the program gave the graduates the tools to help them be effective in soul winning and personal evangelism in whatever professions they choose.

“The preacher can only reach the people that are in church, but if you’re a dentist, psychologist or another profession, you can reach people who God brings to you in your sphere of influence,” adds Brown. “Coming to this program will teach you to be effective in soul winning,” especially in an urban setting.

"Lift Him Up" will take place at Blue Mountain Academy in Hamburg, Pa., June 8 - 16. Register online and get the link to the livestream at

Planned events will focus on lifting up Jesus through inspiring worship, practical seminars and relevant messages that will challenge us to intentionally connect with and connect others to Christ. The week will also feature activities, worships and service projects for children and teens, along with young adult worships and compassion ministries. Lodging and meals are available at this free event.

Camp Meeting Worship Speakers

Sabbath Worship

Go. Tell. Serve. Three words, simple and straightforward. Yet when they are lived out in the name of the Lord, the impact is both profound and eternal.

Jesus modeled these three words for us throughout His life, and, as His followers, He directs us to go in His name and do likewise—to go and tell of His love and grace, to serve others as though we are doing so for Him. This is the purpose in His call to follow Him.

Essential to our effectiveness is that we ourselves know Jesus and accept His love and grace. When we have a personal experience with Him, we have a message to share and a pure motive to serve others.

The Allegheny East Conference (AEC) Camp Meeting, themed “Hallelujah, Home at Last!” will focus its attention on heaven. This event, featuring inspiring sermons, seminars and service opportunities, will take place June 21-July 1 on the AEC campgrounds in Pine Forge, Pa. For more information, go to

Featured Sabbath Speakers

Gina Brown, June 22
Michael Kelly, June 23
Debleaire Snell, June 29-30

Marquis Johns, June 23
Noah Washington, June 30

Violet Cox, AWC’s prayer coordinator, participates in the conference’s 18-hour Prayer-A-Thon.

Story by Bryant Smith

The Allegheny West Conference (AWC) president, administrative officials, pastors and laity recently created havoc in Satan’s camp as 450 individuals of all ages participated in a nonstop Prayer-A-Thon. Ellen White, cofounder of the Adventist church, writes, “Satan trembles and flees before the weakest soul who finds refuge in that mighty name” (The Desire of Ages, p. 130).

Story by Keisha May

I am a graduate from the Appalachian School of Law (Va.). In 2001 Peter Odighizuwa was one of my classmates and acquaintances. On January 16, 2002, Odighizuwa, fueled by the news that he had been suspended, stormed through the law school with a handgun. During his killing spree, he shot the academic dean, a professor and a first-year student. Three other students were wounded and hospitalized, but survived.

Editorial by Dave Weigley

Recently my niece, a determined genealogist, discovered through her research that we Weigleys came from a little German village not far from the city of Worms. A quick look online reveals this was the place Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation, took his stand for conscience, declaring before the Diet of Worms in 1521, “Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason, I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God” (Martin Brecht, Martin Luther: His Road to Reformation 1483-1521, Vol. 1, p. 460).