Pennsylvania Conference

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Looking for ways to spruce up your church or school communication plan?

Watch a replay of Pennsylvania Conference's Digital Discipleship & Evangelism training
and Allegheny East Conference’s Connection and Ministry Communication Conference for expert advice and seminars— including best practices for carrying out effective hybrid, online and in-person communication ministry.

Allegheny East Conference Resources

Story by Natalie Lilly, Communication Intern

Rachel Ondimu and her family prayed for years that her stepfather, Courtney Cuffie, would accept Jesus and attend church with them.

“I’ve grown up with my stepfather since I was very little, and he’s always been a kind and gentle man. He would drop my mom off at church every Sabbath, but we were always hopeful he would give his heart to the Lord,” says Ondimu.

She, her mother, and two of her children, Obed and Ruhamah, recently attended an evangelistic series at the Allentown church, where the children decided they wanted to study for baptism.

Blue Mountain Academy, Helmi Calles

Story by Esther Hernandez 

Senior Helmi Calles recently received the 2021 Susan Berry Leadership award at RingFest, held in Toledo, Ohio. The award recognizes one bell choir student each year in the North American Division who “demonstrates outstanding leadership in the art of handbells.” This is the second consecutive year that a Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) student has received this award.

Image by HugoAtaide on Pixabay

Story by Pennsylvania Conference Staff

Public evangelism doesn’t always work if it’s simply done as a stand-alone event. However, public evangelism done as part of the cycle of evangelism is still highly effective.

“Churches who purposefully practice the cycle of evangelism on a yearly basis have successful evangelistic series and are consistently growing,” says Yves Monnier, Ministerial and Evangelism director. “These churches do not do a lot of haphazard church events throughout the year—then remember to do an evangelistic series every so many years. No, these churches faithfully do activities that connect them with the community and build momentum leading to regular public evangelism, the harvest, year after year.”