Pennsylvania Conference

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Editorial by Dottie Jones

My daughter, Tammi Thomas, was baptized into Pennsylvania Conference’s Pocono Grace church in East Stroudsburg on January 4, 2020. Her journey toward God began three years ago as she watched her younger sister lose her battle with cancer. After her death, Tammi left to go home, and I gave her some Bible Studies, and she took them to heart. She completed the Focus on Prophecy and “It Is Written” Bible Studies and has been working on Amazing Facts, while also reaching out to her coworkers.

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Editorial by Gary Gibbs

A few months ago, due to the coronavirus, our churches moved worship and ministry online. Uncharted territory for many, it turned out to be a gold mine for ministry!

When we launched our Reach and Connect online evangelism initiative last year, we had no idea that God was preparing us for this moment. We just knew we had to be online because that’s where the people are.

When the virus hit, our Hispanic pastors streamed a live Easter week evangelism series on Facebook, drawing nearly 200 viewers each night. Many decided to be baptized, including our coordinator’s uncle who watched the meetings 3,500 miles away in Peru!

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Story by Tamyra Horst

Good-byes are usually sad--yet sometimes they are a celebration. This month the Pennsylvania Conference education team is saying good-bye as Toni Wlasniewski, a teacher at Reading Junior Academy, and Machelle Williams, head teacher for the Pocono Adventist Christian School, Stroudsburg, Pa., are both retiring from education and moving into the next adventure God has planned for them. The team surprised both educators during the end-of-year Zoom teachers meeting with flowers and cake delivered and words of gratitude shared by Jeremy Garlock, education superintendent.

Todd Casey, pictured with his wife, December, is the new youth director for the Pennsylvania Conference.

Story by Tamyra Horst

The Pennsylvania Conference is excited to welcome Pastor Todd Casey and his wife, December. Casey accepted an invitation to serve as youth director, joining the team April 1. Connecting young people to Christ, equipping them for service and providing opportunities for them to serve, fellowship and grow in their relationship with God are priorities in the conference. “Chosen and Called,” one of the eight strategic mission initiatives, focuses on discipling young people in Pennsylvania. Casey shares this vision for Youth Ministries.

Blue Mountain Academy Bel Canto

Story by Esther Hernandez

Nine different church locations. Three schools. Providing concerts. Interacting with students. Painting walls. Talking with students and church members. Learning to barter at shops. Sharing testimonies with people wanting to know more about God.

On a mission trip to Mexico earlier this year, the Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) Bel Canto members and school administrators, along with Carlos Charnichart, the Pennsylvania Conference treasurer, impacted lives—and were themselves impacted.