Pennsylvania Conference

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“For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills” (Ps. 50:10, NKJV).

Graduation had just ended. The tired mommy shifted an infant girl from one side to the other. “I would love to have my children at your school,” she said. “I can see from this graduation program how much your church members love their school.”

I searched her face. Our church had just finished a six-week evangelism campaign, but she hadn’t attended. Does she have enough money to pay the required tuition? I thought, then stopped myself. This is God’s school, and He sends the seekers. Just then, one of her sons came running by.

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“Then [Jesus] said to the tree, ‘May no one ever eat fruit from you again.’ ... Peter remembered and said to Jesus, ‘Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!’” (Mark 11:14, 21, NIV).

Here is an odd story about Jesus. Hungry, Jesus sees a fig tree with leaves because it was out of season. Finding it has no fruit, He curses the tree, and it dies. Why does Jesus do that? Doesn’t it seem unreasonable? Why does Mark tell this story?

The gospel accounts are not collections of random stories of things Jesus did. Each gospel book is a revelation of who Jesus is. So either Mark wants us to think Jesus is an unreasonable tree killer, or something deeper is happening here.

Matheus Gaulia

Story by Matheus Gaulia

Junior Matheus Gaulia shares what God has been doing in his life on the campus of Blue Mountain Academy (BMA):

BMA has drastically changed my life. When I arrived on campus as a freshman, I had my future planned out with ambitious goals and dreams. Three years later, God is changing those plans and showing me what He wants for my life.

by jarmoluk on pixabay

Editorial by Todd Casey

Alexander Bryant, president of the North American Division, recently challenged leaders to give young people opportunities within our churches to, referring to David, “slay lions and bears” to prepare them for the future—because their "Goliath" is coming. In other words, give them responsibilities to serve the church now to prepare them for leadership in the future.