Mountain View Conference

Jeffery Jones and Robin Shafer comprised the smallest Pathfinder club at the recent international camporee.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Photo by Monica Zill

Busy schedules and long distances between church and home can make meeting in person hard in today’s busy culture. But one Pathfinder club bridged the hurdles to continue to meet together—even when one of the Pathfinders moved away—and made it to the 2019 International Pathfinder Camporee in Oshkosh, Wis., in August.

Mountain View Castro Sisters

Story by Walter Cardenas

With a smile on their faces and the joy of a new day, the Castro sisters regularly go to their friends and acquaintances houses to give Bible studies. At an early age, Kimberly (13), Mitzy (12) and Destiny Castro (10) developed a love for Christ and His mission. They learned about the great love Jesus has for them, and their deep desire to share Jesus and their conviction of His soon return led them to offer Bible studies to their close friends.

Photo of School Bus by Takahiro Nagao

Story by Valerie Morikone

I had so many great teachers as a student in Adventist schools that it’s hard to pick just one favorite: from my father, a greatly loved college professor and major influence in my life, to a host of other godly, caring teachers through the years.

One teacher I loved at the Ella E. Hughes Elementary School (now Keene Adventist Elementary School in Texas) was Mr. John Hiser. I remember learning a lot and laughing a lot. He got his classroom management requirements across with kindness and good humor.

Story by Elaine and Jim Buchanan

Wanting to help speed up the building project for his church, member Gary Kasekamp, 74, embarked on a cross-country bike trip this summer.

Mountain View Conference’s Cumberland (Md.) church members have been in the process of building a church and community center facility for four years. The outside is basically finished, but the inside still consists of 2 x 4s. Dedicated to staying out of debt, members save money for each phase of the project, then complete it. They still need $300,000 to complete the project.