Chesapeake Conference

Ryan Comeau, associate pastor at Hagerstown, accepts an award for the Christ Con project. Photo by Brian Tagalog

Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Photos by Brian Tagalog

One of the highlights of Transformation Evangelism, Columbia Union Conference’s recent event for pastors in Columbia, Md., included the awarding of $20,500 to young adult evangelism projects planned and run by local young adults.

A committee comprised of young adults chose the three finalists prior to the event. Conference attendees voted on Monday evening, determing the prize amounts for each project.

Chestertown (Md.) church members organize plans and pray over their community territory.

Story by Andre Hastick

Earlier this year, more than 260 lay-leaders and pastors from 25 churches in the Chesapeake Conference attended the MissionWorks workshop, led by the North American Division Evangelism Institute (NADEI) and the Chesapeake Evangelism Department. The keynote speaker for the weekend, Russell Burrill, former director of NADEI, shared inspiring messages that reminded members and pastors of the essentiality of following a biblical model for church and outreach.

Alex Partyka prays at a Maryland Men of Faith Event. Photo by Marlon Ming

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Alex Partyka grew up in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but stopped attending during a span of 12–13 years of partying that included almost daily drug highs. Toward the end of this time, he realized he wanted to change his life, but didn’t know how and prayed about it.

He says this prayer resulted in a 30-day jail sentence when new evidence was introduced in a re-opened 15-year-old fireworks case thought to be closed.

Alex Partyka and Tony Williams are photographed by Brad Barnwell

Story by Edwin Manuel Garcia / Feature photo by Brad Barnwell

Alex Partyka grew up in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but stopped attending for 12–13 years, when partying got the best of him, including almost daily drug highs. He realized he wanted to change his life, but didn’t know how, so he prayed about it. He says his prayers resulted in a miracle involving a 30-day jail sentence.