Story by Michele Joseph / Photos of the Wongs by Ty Wright,
To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, through board meetings and visitations, home and school fundraisers, packing and moving, till death do us part. For pastoral couples, wedding vows take on a whole new meaning. How do they navigate life in the ministry spotlight?
Editorial by Becky Weigley
I wasn't planning on marrying a poor preacher. I was going to marry a teacher, someone who had summers free so we could both work at summer camp. But, 41 years ago, I fell in love and married a theology major. Back then I wasn’t what some deemed to be preacher-wife material—I wasn’t “perfect” nor could I play the piano. But like my marriage vows, stated in Ruth 1:16, I pledged, “For whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God” (KJV).
Un Message Concernant la Tragédie de Pittsburgh
Que ton amour indefectible soit ma consolation! (Psaume 119: 76).
Notre famille de la Columbia Union Conference pleure les familles des victimes et des blessés lors de la fusillade tragique et insensée à la synagogue Tree of Life de Pittsburgh. Ces observateurs du sabbat exerçaient leur droit de s’assembler et d'adorer Dieu en toute liberté de conscience.
Nous dénonçons la haine et le mal qui se cachent derrière cette attaque et nous joignons nos voix à celles qui appellent à la fin de la violence qui déchire les familles de ces fidèles adorateurs et de beaucoup d’autres.
Quand une personne est affectée, nous sommes tous affectés.
Story by Leonora Seferlis
Lake Nelson Adventist Academy’s (LNAA) educational program includes a purposeful and dynamic mandate of giving back. This directive is part of the legacy built with the participation and contribution of students, staff, teachers, family, friends and church partners who generously and consistently support LNAA’s outreach ministry efforts.
Editorial by Darren Wilkins
As we celebrate Spring Valley Academy’s (SVA) 50th anniversary, we’ve chosen to highlight the “Year of Jubilee” for our school theme. In the Old Testament, jubilee was that wonderful time of debt forgiveness, freedom for slaves and restoration for the downtrodden. Jubilee was a reset. A new start.
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
One Sunday morning, members of the Southwest Philadelphia (Pa.) church converged on the K Laundromat in Southwest Philadelphia. They not only paid for 50 loads of laundry for surprised patrons, but assisted with washing and drying too—all as a part of their new laundry ministry, Loads of Love.
Declaración sobre la tragedia en Pittsburgh
"Que sea tu gran amor mi consuelo …" (Salmo 119: 76, NVI).
Nuestra familia de la Unión de Columbia se aflige con las familias de los muertos y heridos en el tiroteo sin sentido y trágico en la Sinagoga Tree of Life en Pittsburgh. Estos compañeros observadores del sábado estaban ejerciendo su derecho de reunirse y adorar a Dios con libertad de conciencia.
Denunciamos el odio y el mal detrás de este ataque, y unimos nuestras voces con aquellos que están pidiendo que se ponga fin a la violencia que ha separado a las familias de estos fieles adoradores y a muchas otras familias.
Cuando uno sufre, todos sufrimos.
A Statement Regarding the Tragedy in Pittsburgh
“May Your unfailing love be my comfort” (Psalm 119:76, NIV).
Our Columbia Union Conference family grieves for the families of those killed and wounded in the senseless and tragic shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. These fellow Sabbathkeepers were exercising their right to gather and worship God with liberty of conscience and freedom.
We denounce the hatred and evil behind this attack, and join our voices with those who are calling for an end to the violence that has torn the families of these faithful worshippers and too many other families apart.
When one hurts, we all hurt.
Editorial by Mario Thorp
At the beginning of the summer, families worldwide were captured by the rescue operation of a 12-member soccer team and coach from Thailand. When the team failed to come home after practice, the city and government launched a search and rescue operation. Days of agony and uncertainty worried their parents and the public.
What a relief when, 10 days later, rescuers found the boys, and eight days later, everyone was safe. It was an amazing process and joint effort to free them from the Tham Luang Nang Non cave.