
Reina Zapata-Méndez, miembro de la iglesia hispana de Jersey City, no dejó que el virus le impidiera ser voluntaria en su iglesia y conferencia.

Historia de Anthony Baffi

Mientras atendía a su padre en el hospital, Reina Zapata-Méndez, miembro de la iglesia hispana de Jersey City y voluntaria de la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey como coordinadora estatal de Guías Maestras, escuchó la noticia de que un virus que se originaba en China había llegado a Estados Unidos. Zapata-Méndez, y el resto del mundo, no podían imaginar el torbellino que estaba por golpear en las próximas semanas.

Story by Visitor Staff

The Columbia Union Conference team focused on fulfilling the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church by addressing six priorities voted by the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee:


We prepared for and designated 2021 as the Year of the Bible, a time of special emphasis on reading, studying and contemplating how God’s Word transforms lives and draws us closer to Jesus.

Christin Hume via Unsplash

Editorial por Carlos J. Torres

En la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey (NJC), nos movilizamos al escuchar el eco del llamado dado por Dios al profeta Isaías. “Enseguida oí la voz de Dios que decía: «¿A quién voy a enviar? ¿Quién será mi mensajero?» Yo respondí: «Envíame a mí, yo seré tu mensajero»”. (Isaías 6:8, TLA).

Es un privilegio ser llamado por Dios para predicar su mensaje de salvación en estos días solemnes antes de la segunda venida de Jesús. Por eso nos hemos unido a la iniciativa de misión de la Asociación General titulada: “I Will Go”, “Yo iré”.

Tanner Van Dera via Unsplash

Editorial by Carlos J. Torres

Read in Spanish

At the New Jersey Conference (NJC), we are mobilized as we hear the echo of God’s call to the prophet Isaiah: “Then I heard the Lord asking, ‘Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?’ I said, ‘Here I am. Send me’” (Isa. 6:8, NLT).

Mountain View Conference -- Valley Vista Adventist Center

Story by Valerie Morikone

Themed “Lift up the Trumpet,” Mountain View Conference’s (MVC) in-person camp meeting will be held June 11–19. Church members and guests are invited to experience the beauty of Valley Vista Adventist Center in Huttonsville, W.Va., strengthen their relationship with God and spend time in fellowship with others.

Last year, MVC tried a new format made up of morning and evening meetings with time in between for fellowship and activities. Having received positive feedback, they will retain that general schedule again this year.

Image from iStock

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Ps. 23:4, NIV).

What does this verse mean? The first part says, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil.” I think this means that even though we go through scary things, we have nothing to fear. I wonder why that is? The second part, “for you are with me,” gives it all away.

Victory Church, Delaware, Ohio; Allegheny West Conference

Story by Benia Jennings

After filling out an interest card, Cierra Wood recently accepted an invitation to attend the Victory church in Delaware, Ohio, with her five sons. When she heard the Sabbath message, she promptly decided to make a change in her life.

Potomac Wellness Wheel

Story by Debra Anderson

During the pandemic, Women’s Ministries at Sligo church in Takoma Park, Md., offered a way to regain balance in all areas of life, introducing the “Wellness Wheel”—a series of online presentations on creating balance. The series met bi-weekly on Sabbaths for four months via Zoom.