
Dan Jackson. Photo via NAD Communication

This is a very challenging time for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America. Actions taken at the 2018 General Conference Annual Council meeting in Battle Creek, Michigan, did not have the outcome for the church that we had strived toward. Many of us are dealing with fear, disappointment, and even anger.

Ted Wilson, President of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church speaks to the delegates of the 2018 General Conference Annual Council, held Oct 11-17, 2018 in Battle Creek, MI. ©2018 North American Division/Dan Weber

This is a very challenging time for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America. Actions taken at the 2018 General Conference Annual Council meeting in Battle Creek, Michigan, did not have the outcome for the church that we had strived toward. Many of us are dealing with fear, disappointment, and even anger.

Story by Washington Adventist University Staff

After a particularly rainy spring and summer, in which The Washington Post reported the D.C. area received nearly a year’s worth of rain during the first seven months of the year, followed by significant rainfall from the remnants of Hurricane Florence, Washington Adventist University in Takoma Park, Md., recently had Halcyon Hall, the women’s residence, and other buildings tested for mildew and mold by a board certified industrial hygienist.

READ MORE | Washington Adventist University Issues a Statement

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Getting Closer to Christ

Each day our Columbia Union Conference teachers dedicate their lives to sharing Christ with their students in the classroom. During the North American Division Teachers’ Convention, we asked them to share creative ways they minister. Below, find tips and ideas for helping your children spend time with Jesus:

Prayer Journals

Darlene Peterson, the first- and second-grade teacher at Pennsylvania Conference’s Reading Junior Academy, has her students keep prayer journals.

Editorial by Mike Hewitt

“We exist to grow healthy churches that reflect Christ’s love and compassion in our communities.”

This is the new mission statement voted this year by our Mountain View Conference Executive Committee. And going forward, it will guide our work together.

Story by Visitor Staff

The North American Division’s Education, Ministerial and Youth Departments have teamed up with Restore a Child, Inc., to hold “do fast,” (defending orphans fast) on November 10, World Orphans Day.

The day, planned for churches, youth groups and schools at all levels, is a 24-hour fast to raise hunger awareness. Instead of eating, participants will be involved in activities and are encouraged to donate the money saved from fasting to feed hungry and starving children.

Click here for materials and curriculum to use in your local group.

Sidney Harris (white skirt), a member of the Ephesus church in Richmond, Va., waves hello with a group of students who decided to get baptized as a result of Harris’ ministry in Lesotho.

Story by Sergio Romero

A group of young adults from across the Allegheny West Conference recently traveled to Lesotho, South Africa. Their challenge was clear: to bring Jesus to the people of Lesotho.

At the North American Division Teachers' Convention in Chicago, Manny Scott shares how a teacher transformed his life.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Tears streamed down Manny Scott’s face as talked to some 5,000 Seventh-day Adventist educators at the North American Division 2018 Teachers’ Convention in Chicago.

Dear Columbia Union Members,

This year’s Annual Council—the annual fall gathering of the governing body for our worldwide church—is scheduled for October 11-17 in Battle Creek, Mich.

Our Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee is deeply concerned about proposals that will be considered this year that are designed to bypass long-established church structure and create an overreaching arm that would facilitate increased control of any division or union action the General Conference leadership doesn’t approve going forward. The Union Committee does not believe this tactic will help to advance mission nor achieve unity.