
7800 Attended Caravan of Training Meetings Photo Credit Jorge Pillco

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

A lrededor de 7.800 miembros de la Unión de Columbia asistieron a las reuniones de la reciente Caravana de Entrenamiento realizadas en 24 sitios dentro del territorio de la unión.  

Antes de las reuniones, Rubén Ramos, vicepresidente para los Ministerios Multilingües de la Unión Columbia, y su equipo distribuyeron 19.000 ejemplares de Cómo compartir a Jesús en las iglesias de la Unión con el objetivo de ayudarle a los miembros a entender porque necesitan involucrarse en la misión.

Dave Weigley prays a prayer of dedication over Carol and Henry Wright | Photo by Kamal Browne

Después de haber servido a la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día por 39 años, de los cuales durante 28 años se desempeñó como subtesorera en el departamento de tesorería de la Unión de Columbia, se jubiló Carol Wright el 1 de febrero. 

Historia de Tamyra Horst

Saud Elias ha aceptado recientemente el rol de coordinador del Ministerio Hispano para la Conferencia de Pensilvania.

Elias ha servido anteriormente como pastor de la Iglesia Hispana de Lawndale, la Iglesia Hispana de Filadelfia I, y el grupo Hispano de Juniata, todos estos en Filadelfia.

También ha sido pastor del grupo hispano del condado de Bucks en el distrito de Warminster. “Elias tiene su corazón puesto en el evangelismo, y desde el 2008, ha sido parte integral del equipo pastoral hispano de la Conferencia de Pensilvania,” dice Tim Bailey, director de Liderazgo y Crecimiento Espiritual.

Photo by the Flying Enchilada on Flickr

Blog by Rob Vandeman

Psalms 69 is written by a man in crisis. The waters of depression and oppression threaten his very life. He suffers at the hands of his enemies because of his devotion to God. The troubles are not specific, which is in keeping with the purpose of the Psalms to provide templates of prayers for later worshippers who have similar, though not identical, issues.

Spencerville Adventist Academy students study during Religion Class. Photo by Kelly Coe

Editorial by Donovan Ross

I remember the day I walked into my first classroom as a teacher. Within a few hours, I thought I had been afflicted with temporary insanity. By the end of the day, I decided that as soon as “something better” came my way, I would be off to pursue a more lucrative and less stressful career. 

Photo by Andrew Shurtleff/AP

Story by David Pluviose / Photos by Andrew Shurtleff/AP and Kelly Coe

Columbia Union Conference schools are in the process of rolling out the Adventist Encounter Bible curriculum in elementary and high school classes. A key goal of this new curriculum, slated to be implemented in all union schools by Fall 2018, is to foster a deeper relationship with God and each other. The curriculum uses the Bible as the primary textbook, rather than the assortment of textbooks used by the old Bible curriculum, says Ileana Espinosa, associate director of elementary education for Columbia Union schools. 

Story by Donna Bigler

A retrospective art exhibition, “The Old and the New” will open at Washington Adventist University (WAU) on Wednesday, March 1, with a reception from 7 to 9 p.m.  Both the reception and exhibition will be located in the Department of English and Modern Languages, lower level, Wilkinson Hall, 7600 Flower Avenue, Takoma Park, Md. The exhibition, which will remain on display through April 28, is open to the public during office hours on weekdays.

Pine Forge Academy students join academy trustees and Thomas Lynch, CEO of TE Connectivity

Story by Dinah Jordan

TE Connectivity, a global leader in connectivity and sensors, recently awarded Allegheny East Conference's Pine Forge Academy a $50,000 grant for the implementation of a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) program. These funds, part of TE’s global program supporting STEM education, will help establish an engineering, robotic and technology program at the school located in Pine Forge, Pa.

Story by WAU Staff

The featured speaker for Washington Adventist University’s Alumni Weekend, April 6-9, is alumnus Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church. He will be sharing his thoughts and experiences on April 8 at the 11 a.m. worship service at Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church on the school's campus in Takoma Park, Md.

Wilson graduated from Washington Adventist University (WAU) in 1971 with a bachelor’s degree double major in religion and business administration. He began his church career as a pastor in 1974 in the Greater New York Conference. He has been married to physical therapist Nancy Louise Vollmer Wilson since 1975.