Story By Celeste Ryan Blyden / Photos by Brian Patrick Tagalog
Members of two Indonesian Seventh-day Adventist churches in northern New Jersey are experiencing the effects of ramped up U.S. immigration reform firsthand. Dozens have been deported, voluntarily returned to their homeland or are “hiding” in the U.S.
Story by Elizabeth Long
Tumor genome sequencing is now available at Kettering Adventist HealthCare, based in Dayton, Ohio, for patients with an advanced form of the disease as part of a national, industry-sponsored study by Strata Oncology, a precision oncology company.
Kettering Adventist HealthCare is one of only eight sites in the country and the only one in Ohio to offer this unique tumor profiling and clinical trial to advanced cancer patients.
Story by Jerry Woods
WGTS 91.9 hosted more than 2,200 women at the recent “Dare to Be” women’s event with Natalie Grant and Charlotte Gambill at the Hylton Christian Event Center. The station has hosted this event for the past five years. The event seeks to inspire women to “dare to be” the women that God has called them to be. Through music, prayer and the inspirational messages Grant and Gambill encouraged women to live their roles as wives, moms, employees, daughters and friends to the fullest. It’s a celebration of Christian womanhood.

In February 2016, after undergoing surgery, Janice Walker-Cleveland, a member of the Cincinnati Shiloh church in Ohio, sought God’s plan for her life, expressing the sentiment, “Many people search their entire lives and never find ... God’s purpose and plan.”
The only African-American female attorney at Duke Energy’s predecessor, Cincinnati Gas & Electric, Walker-Cleveland has held the positions of senior counsel and assistant general, and is currently the associate general counsel.
Passionate about the remnant people and the three angels’ messages, Walker-Cleveland spoke with her sister, Thea Walker, a member of Dallas City Temple church (Texas), about the Lord’s soon return and her personal mission to reach others.