
Les retards nationaux dans la livraison du courrier ont entrainé une livraison tardive de nombreux calendriers de l'Union de Columbia 2021 et de livres de dévotion Année de la Bible Words of Life. Des exemplaires supplémentaires des deux sont toujours disponibles. Appelez Pacific Press au (800) 447-7377.  Le livre de dévotion coûte 5 $, plus les frais d'expédition. Le calendrier est gratuit, mais les membres doivent payer les frais d'expédition.

Histoire de Valérie Morikone

Le 16 décembre 2020, Larry Boggess, ancien président de la Fédération de Mountain View (MVC), est décédé. Boggess a pris sa retraite en tant que président du MVC en 2017. Lui et sa femme, Jo’an, ont ensuite déménagé dans leur maison de campagne dans l'Ohio pour vivre près de leur famille.

« Frère Boggess était un ami merveilleux et un travailleur dévoué pour Jésus », raconte Mike Hewitt, président du MVC. « Mon cœur est triste maintenant, mais je sais que nous le reverrons très bientôt lorsque Jésus reviendra en puissance et en gloire. »

North American Division Building

Story by Debra Anderson

On March 14, 2021, the Potomac Conference Corporation will be the first conference in the Columbia Union Conference to virtually host a full constituency meeting. Like many organizations that have had to adjust their official meeting protocols, after much prayer and deliberation, Potomac made the decision to proceed with the virtual option. The conference’s executive committee later approved the request from the conference administration.

Connor O’Geare

Story by Vicki Swetnam

This year, Spring Valley Academy (SVA) introduced a new high school course exploring the world of entrepreneurship. Students learned how to hire, fire, sell, explore the market, read financial statements, create a business plan, give an elevator pitch and ask for funding. The capstone project was a Shark Tank contest in which each student presented their own business plan to a group of local business leaders requesting an “investment” in their company. The students delivered and staged their presentations using props such as cupcakes, prepared meals, lawn mowers, clothing and other items.

Historia de Anthony Baffi

“Nada es demasiado pequeño para Dios”, dice Gabriela Martínez, de 22 años, miembro de la iglesia española de Trenton de la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey. Ella se dice a sí misma esto siempre que se encuentra con dificultades. "¡Es un recordatorio de cuán grandes son las bendiciones de Dios y cómo Sus planes son más grandes que los nuestros!"

Martínez, una receptora de DACA, ha enfrentado constantes batallas toda su vida. Desde terminar la escuela secundaria y qué pasos tomar, a qué universidad elegir y si tendría fondos para el estudio, luchó con obstáculos previsibles. Había límites para lo que los beneficiarios de DACA podían calificar y ella no sabía qué les esperaba el futuro.

Historia de Anthony Baffi

Jonathan Carrillo se une a la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey como el nuevo pastor de las iglesias de Camden, Pine Hill, Gibbsboro company y Mt. Holly españolas.

Carrillo recibió su licenciatura en teología de la Universidad de Montemorelos (México). Se desempeñó como capellán en la Universidad de Navojoa y pastor asociado en la iglesia de Alamos y la Iglesia Central de Navojoa, antes de pasar a pastor en la Conferencia de las Montañas Rocosas.

Recientemente completó su M. Div. en el Seminario Teológico Adventista del Séptimo Día de la Universidad Andrews (Michigan). Le encanta dedicar su tiempo libre a la escritura. También ama la naturaleza e intenta escapar al aire libre siempre que sea posible.

Story by LaTasha Hewitt

Zina Johnson, choir director at Allegheny East Conference's Capitol Hill church in Washington, D.C., recently participated in the gospel musical Netflix docuseries, Voices of Fire. The series, produced by recording artist Pharrell Williams, follows his uncle, Ezekiel Williams, and a team of gospel leaders as they travel to Hampton Roads, Va., in search of talented singers to build a world class gospel choir.

Image from iStock

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Heb. 1:14, NIV).

In the days when I was young and bold, or as my mother would objectively say, “careless,” I ventured out from my hotel room at 2:00 a.m. I thought to myself, Niagara Falls is a completely safe place. Especially in July! So, why not? Needless to say, I went on a solo adventure, uninhibited of any possible danger.

Ninety minutes into my city voyage, I realized I may be lost. I reached for the hotel map I had in my pocket, and it was gone! Trying not to panic, I mentally retraced my steps and headed back cautiously. Maybe, in my rush to leave my room, I had left the map on the tabletop.

As I was orienting myself, my thoughts went back to my mother. I remembered her expressing, “We are going to Niagara Falls to have a mother and son time together.” She wanted us to have a closer relationship. Shame unexpectedly swept over me. While my mother was sleeping, I was selfishly doing “my own thing.” I stopped and asked God for forgiveness.

Blue Mountain Academy runs an organic farm

Story by Jenevieve Lettsome & V. Michelle Bernard

Schools around the Columbia Union Conference are also striving to teach students about caring for the earth, using various activities such as installing solar panels and planting gardens.

Mountain View Conference’s Highland Adventist School in Elkins, W.Va., recently received a rain barrel from the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) Division of Water and Waste Management to help provide water for their greenhouse growing program.