
Amy Thomas, a student at Temple University, tutors third-grader Jodi Glenn as part of the REACH Success after-school program.

Story by LeShawn Browne

Logan is a second-grader who struggled with reading. He lacked confidence in his ability and was way behind other students in his class. Then his mom discovered the REACH Success tutoring program, launched by the REACH Philadelphia church in 2014, which partners volunteers with students who need help with their schoolwork.

Wilbur Davis, a Shiloh church community attendee and recovering addict, celebrates God with Shiloh member Rick Howard.

Story by Allegheny West Conference Staff

Birthday parties, retirement goodbyes, anniversary celebrations and many other occasions are reasons worthy to come together and celebrate, but has anyone ever thrown a party for God? Wilbur Davis, an individual who regularly attends the Shiloh Cincinnati church, decided to do just that.

Edward Marton, Ohio Conference’s Youth Ministries director, leads prayer with high school students and youth pastors during the “ReCharge” event at the Worthington church.

Story by Heidi Shoemaker

How do I find Christ again?” This was one of the authentic and heartfelt questions asked by high school youth during the recent “ReCharge” gathering at the Worthington church, says Edward Marton, Ohio Conference’s Youth Ministries director.

Honors Chorus students participate in a master class during the Music for All National Festival.

Story by Heidi Wetmore

The Spencerville Adventist Academy (SAA) Honors Chorus was one of the 71 select musical ensembles recently invited to perform at the 28th annual Music for All National Festival, presented by Yamaha in Indianapolis. The festival showcased America’s finest middle- and high-school student musicians and music ensembles, hailing from 22 states and Puerto Rico.

Photo of Carlton Byrd at Transformational Evangelism by Brian Tagalog

"We are living in a post-modern post Christian society," said Carltom Byrd, Speaker/Director of the Breath of Life Television Broadcast, at the Columbia Union Conference's Transformational Evangelism event. "The trends are going to continue downward even though we can make statistics look however we want to look."

He also added, "If our system continues the way it is and we don’t have the growth we need to have, the system is not sustainable. So God told us to go. But more than that, we’ve got to go because it isn’t sustainable."