
Camp Blue Ridge prepares for its grand reopening this spring after implementing major renovations across campus.

Story by Tiffany Doss

Although Potomac Conference's Camp Blue Ridge in Montebello, Va., temporarily closed its doors for regular business hours last season, God didn’t stop using it as a ministry. “Through the renovations and updates at camp, we built great relationships with our contractors,” explains Ray Queen, director. “One [of them] continues to ask questions about Jesus and the Sabbath.”

cross-66700_1280 photo by geralt from pixabay

Editorial por Leonel Pottinger

Para muchos cristianos, mayordomía o la mayordomía es pensada en relación con cosas materiales, dinero o diezmos y ofrendas. Algunos van tan lejos como para pensar que, si devuelven fielmente el diezmo y dan ofrendas voluntarias a Dios a través de su iglesia, han cumplido con su responsabilidad cristiana.

Jesus Cross photo by Claudio Ungari from Flickr

Editorial by Leonel Pottinger

For many Christians, stewardship is primarily thought of in relation to material things, money or tithes and offerings. Some go as far as to think that if they return a faithful tithe and give freewill offerings to God through His church, they have fulfilled their Christian responsibility.

Feature by V. Michelle Bernard 

Turkey bacon, eggs, cold cereal, cheese, lots of bread and pizza were common ingredients in Jennifer Engelkemier’s daily menu. But since attending Mountain View Conference’s (MVC) Wellness Camp last summer, she’s traded in some of her old breakfast favorites, including turkey bacon, for beans.

Before the camp, Engelkemier (pictured in middle, walking with wellness campers Herb Perrine and Susie Shaver) was overweight, had diabetes and high blood pressure, and also suffered from fatty liver disease. “I just want to get healthy overall,” she said during the first week of camp, where she lost 10 pounds and started walking more regularly.

 Shana Love, a member of the Hamburg church, snapped this photo during a scavenger hunt to capture beauty and peace at Pennsylvania Conference’s Laurel Lake Camp in Rossiter.

Attention Columbia Union Conference photographers! We want to see the Columbia Union through your lens. Would you like for your photo to be considered for publication in the 2021 Columbia Union Calendar?

We’re looking for photos that showcase local landmarks, native fauna and scenes from all around the union—from cityscapes to dirt country roads. We want to feature all the seasons, so grab those winter scenes and capture the warmth of summer—and all that’s between.

Story by Celeste Ryan Blyden

This year marks the 125th anniversary of our beloved Columbia Union Conference Visitor magazine. Starting in 1895 in the Ohio Conference as The Welcome Visitor, it has evolved under the helm of 30 known editors.

No editor was listed during the first few years of publication. Copies of the four-page, black and white journal seem to indicate a joint publishing effort by conference leaders. They charged 35 cents for an annual subscription, that was to be paid up front. 

Alec Ryrie, a professor at Durham University, presented "How Do You Know the Bible is the Word of God?" at the Columbia Union Conference 2019 Leadership Summit themed Sola Scriptura.

"The way to know Scripture… Is to encounter it to with our whole selves. ... immerse yourself in it, to be swept along by it," shared Ryrie.

See more presentations from the event here.