
Story by Elizabeth Long

Kettering Adventist Health Network is implementing an advanced EMS-to-hospital, real-time notification system to exchange vital patient information more quickly. It is partnering with ESO to use ESO Health Data Exchange (HDE) and TrackEMS to improve closed loop communication between hospitals and EMS agencies. The network is providing this technology to area EMS.

ESO HDE is a bidirectional data exchange platform that allows EMS and hospitals to share patient data electronically. The platform translates the information EMS and the hospital needs automatically from any prehospital patient electronic record system to any hospital electronic medical record system.

Takoma Academy Week of Prayer

Story by Shari Loveday

This spring Potomac Conference's Takoma Academy family accepted a mission that some might view as impossible. The Week of Prayer’s overall theme was, “What’s God Got to Do With it?!” As each youth faced this question, Lola Moore Johnston, senior pastor of the Woodbridge (Va.) church, challenged the students to figure out how God fits into the personal lives of young people. She also shared that all of us should be “Living for 1 Like.”

Ohio Hispanic Marriage Retreat

Story by Heidi Shoemaker

A record 95 couples from across the Ohio Conference recently met at Salt Fork State Park (Ohio) to celebrate the second annual Hispanic Marriage Retreat, titled “Families of Faith—Matrimonies in Victory.”

New Jersey Educators

Story by Sadrail Saint-Ulysse

It has become painfully clear that there is a great need for school safety and security training in this country. As my wife, Malou Saint-Ulysse, principal of Meadow View Junior Academy in Chesterfield, and I sat through the school safety and security training presentation by Thomas Gambino from the New Jersey State Department of Education, we quickly realized that every principal, teacher, substitute teacher and school staff needed the same training. So, I invited Gambino to our Spring Teachers’ In-service, so that our entire New Jersey Conference school personnel could receive the same instruction.

Dee Casper, CORE director

Story by Tamyra Horst

This summer young adults will gather at Blue Mountain Academy in Hamburg, Pa., to participate in CORE, the Pennsylvania Conference’s new discipleship and evangelism training program that focuses on strengthening the CORE of attendees’ Christian identity and faith. CORE is a life-transforming experience for young adults filled with ministry, missions and miracles. Students will understand why they are Adventists, see Christ at the heart of every Adventist teaching and learn how to effectively share this beautiful message with others.

Historia de Heidi Shoemaker y Visitor Personal

Luego de las tormentas severas que incluyeron al menos 14 tornados confirmados y la muerte de una persona en el área de Dayton / Miami Valley en Ohio y dejaron a su paso cortes de agua y electricidad, los adventistas del Séptimo Día se unieron para ayudar a la comunidad. En las semanas posteriores a las tormentas de junio, las instalaciones de Kettering Adventist HealthCare (KAHC) trataron 175 personas con lesiones relacionadas con las tormentas, mientras que los líderes de Servicios Comunitarios Adventistas (ACS) y sus equipos de Respuesta ante Desastres brindaron apoyo, comida y oraciones.

Story by ADRA Staff

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), the faith-based international humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, has created a one-of-a-kind humanitarian pin for pathfinders to add to their uniforms. This pin will be offered for a limited time only at the 2019 International Pathfinder Camporee at Oshkosh, Wisconsin from August 12 to 17. 

Photo by V. Michelle Bernard

Story by Edwin Manuel Garcia

Participants from around the Columbia Union Conference gathered at the union headquarters in Columbia, Md., this week to kick off the second year of the Advancement of Christian Education (ACE) Academy Leadership Coaching initiative.

The year-old initiative is guided by seasoned outside experts connected to the union. Participants include 20 educational leaders with varying degrees of experience who are being offered the tools and training to be successful, and hopefully, will be motivated to stay at their jobs longer.