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Story by Heidi Shoemaker

Growing Young Adventists (GYA) is a learning journey for local churches and their leaders to help build faith communities that will not only survive but thrive in the years ahead. This initiative is an intergenerational movement which nurtures relationship building and cultural transformation that embraces young people and benefits all generations in the Adventist church.

Evangelist Alejandro Bullón trains a group of church leaders during a GPS Caravan for Life seminar.

Historia de Carlos J. Torres

En la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey, movilizamos nuestro estado al escuchar el eco del imperativo dado por Jesús a sus discípulos: “Id, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y Espíritu Santo; enseñándoles que guarden todas las cosas que os he mandado; y he aquí yo estoy con vosotros todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo” (Mat. 28:19–20, RVR).

Editorial by Carlos J. Torres

In the New Jersey Conference, we try to mobilize our state by listening to the echo of the order Jesus gave to His disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:19–20, ESV).

We believe that the most effective way to make disciples is through small groups. This year the North American Division (NAD) launched GPS Caravan for Life, also known as “Small Healthy Groups for Life,” an initiative whose goal is to reach and teach 15,000 active leaders, who will, in turn, minister in their communities.

Story by Jessica Manantan

Prayer is powerful. I’m sure if you asked most anyone, they would agree with this statement. But how many truly understand the power of prayer and take time daily to plead with God? How many truly claim His promises and persevere in prayer?

My friend and prayer partner, Kathryn Styer, a member of the Romney (W.Va.) church, shares the following testimony: “It’s easy to take on the burden to convert our loved ones; to think, ‘If only I say and do just the right things, they’ll get it.’ I spent many years in this state of mind. Then I started to pray. I put all my hopes and dreams for my husband into prayer and solicited the prayer of others.

Image by NGDPhotoworks on Pixabay

Editorial by Rick Remmers

Adam and Eve were literally the “perfect” young adult, newlywed couple. Their Creator served as the officiant at their wedding. A beautiful new Garden of Eden home was given to them, receiving the whole earth as a gift.

Calvary church Prison Ministries team

Story by LaTasha Hewitt

The Prison Ministries team at Allegheny East Conference's Calvary church in Newport News, Va., partnered with its youth mentoring ministry to play chess at the Newport News Juvenile Detention Center this past fall. The activity was part of the “Play Chess, Change Lives” initiative, an interactive outreach program founded by Don Roberts of WAVY TV, an NBC affiliate in Newport News. The program is designed to engage young men and women in critical thinking. “Our hope is for the young residents to use the skills learned from the game to make better life choices,” shares Rudy Ortega, elder and outreach coordinator at Calvary.

Mandy Reibsome

Story by Tamyra Horst

Mandy Reibsome, baptized by Mike Sady, pastor of the Shamokin Mission (Pa.) Group, was just one of the 639 people who joined a Pennsylvania Conference church in 2018. This is the second highest number of baptisms in conference history—just eight less than in 1980 which saw nearly 650 people committing their lives to Christ. God also blessed 2018 with the highest tithe in the conference’s history.

“We have been committed to praying for the work in Pennsylvania,” states Gary Gibbs, president. “Churches are uniting together to fulfill the mission through initiatives like Faith for Family. As a result of our total member involvement, God is blessing in powerful ways.”

Beverly Davis, the community resource coordinator for the South Avondale Elementary public school,

Story by Bryant Smith

With the cold weather this winter, Shiloh church members in Cincinnati began thinking about children’s preparedness and how they could help. Under the leadership of member Sheila Hughes, Shiloh connected with two Cincinnati public schools: South Avondale Elementary School and Rockdale Academy Elementary School, located in the Avondale community.