Pennsylvania Conference

Photo by Himsan on Pixabay

Story by Michele Joseph

You don’t need any special gifts or abilities,” says Tamyra Horst, Prayer Ministries coordinator for the Pennsylvania Conference, on being a prayer warrior. “You just need a willingness, an honest heart and a tenacity to not give up.” Here are a few tips from Horst and other prayer warriors in the Columbia Union.

Make God first: You’ve got to remove self. If God’s not first, who is?—Saundra Austin

Pray Scripture: Claim God’s Word; pray it back to Him.—Tamyra Horst

Give fasting a chance: It deepens the prayer experience.—TH

Richard Klinedinst by York Daily Record

Story by Michele Joseph

Richard Klinedinst could not sit at home in retirement. In 2010 he started walking. 

The 88-year-old member of Pennsylvania Conference’s York church says he was inspired by Ron Halversen Sr.’s book Prayer Warriors. He began prayer walking in his York neighborhood and then expanded across the city. Up until 2016, he walked one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours each day, and logged more than 1,000 miles. Last year he fell and discontinued his daily walks. But he continues to pray. Using index cards to divide the town into 90 sections, he prays for several neighborhoods each day.

Photo by congerdesign on Pixabay

Story by Michele Joseph

Sometimes it seems like you get answers to simple prayers [a parking space, things you need that are on sale]. Other times the things that mean the most to you seem to take the longest, only to find out later that He hasn’t been silent,” says Tamyra Horst, a departmental director for the Pennsylvania Conference whose many roles include Prayer Ministries. There were moments in Horst’s life when she was angry her prayers weren’t working for the people she loved, but she didn’t stop praying. “What else would I do?” she says.