Image by Khushboo from Pixabay


Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Missing fresh summer produce? Why not grow some indoors this winter?

Blue Mountain Academy’s cafeteria manager and a longtime gardener, Christina Houston, says it’s possible to grow lettuce, greens, microgreens and herbs indoors in the winter. She says tomatoes can also be grown indoors with proper sunlight and heat.

Growing rowing your own food can save money, if given a proper start, she says. 

“Choosing plants that keep producing will give months of continuous harvest until the season changes. The more the plants are harvested, the more they will grow,” she says, noting you can save seeds from the plants for next year as well, helping keep your wallet green, too.

Getting Ready For Next Year

"A good way to prep the ground before winter is to weed the area intended for gardening," says Houston, who has gardened for most of her life. "Lay down cardboard over the whole area. Any kind of cardboard or newspaper will work.  Then layer mulch about four inches deep on top of the cardboard. In spring, everything gets tilled into the ground before planting. This method is also good for planting in the fall." 

She continues, "Adding hay on top of the mulch will keep the ground warm longer. Local farmers are good resources for mulch and hay. The only thing that could be started now for next year is garlic. Everything else can wait until February."

Plants that can be grown inside in the winter: