Chesapeake Conference Shares Camp Meeting 2021 Details

The Gathering 2021 Chesapeake Conference Camp Meeting experience will be held virtually, June 15-19, featuring on-location broadcasts throughout the conference. To view a complete program schedule and access seminars, evening worships, children’s/youth/ young adult programs and resources, please visit

Featured Speaker

Carlton Byrd, D.Min., is currently the senior pastor of the Oakwood University church on the campus of Oakwood University in Huntsville, Ala., and the speaker/director of the Breath of Life Television Broadcast. In his 26 years of pastoral leadership in the states of Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Texas and Georgia, Byrd has constructed and renovated churches and schools, baptized more than 20,000 persons and served on numerous denominational and community boards.

Since his appointment as speaker/director of Breath of Life, four new Breath of Life churches have been planted and started across the United States. A very active participant in the community, Byrd founded the Berean Outreach Ministry Center in Atlanta, Ga., which housed a food pantry, clothes closet, barber shop, hair salon and fitness center. Byrd is also the author of three books: Contemporary Evangelism for the 21st Century; Free: Revisiting God’s Plan for Oppressed People; and Gone: A Healing Word for a Hurting World. Byrd is happily married to his wife of 22 years, Danielle (Mounter), and they are proud parents of three daughters, Christyn, Caileigh and Carissa.

Camp Meeting Seminars

“How Discipleship Happens at Home,” by Claudio Consuegra, D.Min., and Pamela Consuegra, Ph.D.
Jesus called us to “go and make disciples” (Matt. 28:19, NIV). Since 1874, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been sending missionaries to more than 200 countries around the world. Many members have forgotten that “there is no missionary field more important than” their home (Ellen White, Adventist Home, p. 35). The seminar will look at three specific areas where Christians can be the best disciples and disciple-makers at home.

The Consuegras currently serve as the Family Ministries directors for the North American Division. Claudio was born in Colombia, South America, while Pamela grew up in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. Claudio has a background as a pastor, conference departmental director and administrator. In addition, he volunteers in his community as a law enforcement and hospice chaplain. Pamela has a background in Adventist education, having served as a teacher, academy principal and superintendent of schools. Pamela holds a Ph.D. in Leadership from Andrews University (Mich.) and Claudio holds a D.Min. in Family Ministries, also from Andrews University.

“Sabbath School Alive!” by Ramón Canals, D.Min.

Sabbath School is one of the most important institutions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, says Canals. It is designed for the whole family to acquire knowledge of the Word of God and learn to live according to Bible truths. If rightly conducted, Sabbath School can bring life to the church, just as the heart brings lifesaving blood to the body, Canals adds. This seminar presents the fundamental principles that make Sabbath School come alive. Learn ideas and resources to strengthen your Sabbath School and transform it into a disciple-making force that will grow the church. Canals is the director of the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department at the General Conference (Md.). Previously, he was vice president of the North Pacific Union Conference (Wash.) and also served as an evangelist, evangelism coordinator and ministerial and Hispanic Ministries director. Canals holds a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from Andrews University. His mission is to encourage, energize, empower and equip disciples for the mission of saving souls.

“Creation’s Rescue Mission,” by Gary Wagner, D.Min.

This seminar examines creation through faith, science and current events. What do these perspectives tell us about where we are in preparation for Jesus to return? How much longer can the world last?

Wagner recently retired from pastoral ministry after 40 years of service. He has served in nine countries as pastor, school principal, ADRA director and mission president. Wagner is endorsed by the North American Division as chaplain for public universities, and he spends part of his retirement working in Vietnam and Cambodia as regional director for Gospel Outreach.


“Last Day Events,” by Cornell Preda

The goal of these lessons is to emphasize the mission and message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the world and how this understanding can be useful to local congregations.

Preda is the pastor of the St. Johnsbury district in Vermont, and he serves the Bordoville church in West Enosburg. He is a graduate of Southern Adventist University (Tenn.) and Andrews University (Mich.), and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Missional Church at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (Mich.).